RE: Festival of Lights - Spectacular Show on The City Streets

Hi Nainaz! 😃 Nice to see you stopping by! 😃
Thank God, I am OK, just a little bit too busy (as usual 😆).
Many things are happening and sometimes is really hard to follow. One of those things (a very nice one), is that, in the meantime, I became a grandma. Can you imagine?! 😄 That makes me, from time to time, even busier on top of my already "a little bit too busy" status. 😁

Regarding the Festival of Lights that took place in the city last month, I planned to go another day/evening to visit a couple of other locations, particularly some parks that are not far from my home, but I couldn't find the time. Therefore, the shots I shared here are more or less everything I managed to take. Maybe next year I will be luckier, as it is always quite a show.

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