My Actifit Report Card: October 2 2020



The day passed so quickly and now it feels like yesterday has actually been two days ago already. Weird.

I've seen some mushrooms almost every day of the week and now it's Friday and I didn't make it into the forest at all. Such is life. Not abiding by tagging schedules.



I didn't even take a proper walk today and the daylight was already fading when it dawned on me: tomorrow's a public holiday - I should probably hurry to visit the supermarket.



Of course, I walked. And I took a little detour to make sure I'll get at least 5k steps on the clock. A little circle around some of the logistics and storage compounds neighbouring the supermarket.



Lots of straight lines and very little saturation. Feels weirdly refreshing in my actifitivity log. But I can't let you go without at least a little bit of green.



Thanks for your time!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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