Actifit Updates - Actifit Web V1.4.4 Out💥


It is time for another update by actifit with the release of our web version 1.4.4

Main Updates

As part of this update, we have pushed version 1.4.4 of our web portal, with several new features, improvements, and bug fixes to push forward our user experience.

  • Wallet Display Savings Rewards/Claim: We have added to wallet experience a detailed view of your current HBD savings account and pending rewards, to make it easier to keep track of your pending and upcoming rewards, alongside the current interest rate as set by witnesses.
    Also when you are eligible to claim your rewards (30 days from last claim), you can actually proceed with a claim rewards activity on wallet.
  • New Wallet Tip Functionality: We have added support for sending out AFIT tokens/tipping from within your own wallet access, in addition to the existing functionality on the user profile display. (last icon below)
    Clicking on the icon will open a send tip section that allows moving AFIT tokens over to another user.
  • Dark Mode Fixes: We implemented a lot of fixes and improvements to the light/dark mode experience across the site. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
  • Fix Image Display: We have implemented additional support for images not being properly rendered on post content on
  • Add Extra Image Preview Support: We have noticed some front ends were using different json tag to include image links (images i/o image). So we added support on our post preview to show image listed in there to fix missing image preview.
  • Add support for hive keychain and hiveauth on friendship requests: Friendship focused activities (add/approve/decline/cancel) were working solely under posting key login mode. This has been fixed now and they are fully functional under any login approach.
  • Add Wallet token table loader preview: We added a spinner prior to loading the wallet token table balance to enhance UX.
  • Add Buy AFIT/AFITX on BSC Buttons: We added functionality to allow redirecting the user to buy/trade AFIT and AFITX tokens on BSC via (pancakeswap front end). Buttons show right next to the token smart contract link.
  • Fix Negative Staked Value for HE Tokens: When unstaking, a negative value was showing for tokens if the unstaking value is larger than the full balance. This has been fixed now.
  • Code Refactoring & Improvements: We have implemented some code refactoring to improve code quality across reused code in different areas of the web experience, which simplifies and consolidates making adjustments.

Mobile App Updates

We are working in parallel, on new features on the mobile app, and making tons of progress as we speak.
We will provide a detailed update on release, which is expected pretty soon. Some of the features almost ready include notifications display, embedded social content and much more.
We have also onboarded a new iOS developer who is helping out with making improvements to the iOS version and aligning it to the Android one. We should have an updated release for both mobile apps pretty soon!

Support our DHF Proposal

It helps us big time if you support our DHF proposal by allowing us to speed up our work and assign more resources, hence funding our growth and work in support of hive.
As always, we would love to hear your feedback about those new improvements and any suggestions you would have.

For a full preview of our 2023 plans and to vote for our proposal, check it out below:

We also run over 20 servers in support of hive and hive-based dapps/initiatives:

Actifit team

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