Jump rope day 🤸🏻‍♀️💖


Día de saltar la cuerda 💖🤸🏻‍♀️
Una de mis tantas pasiones deportivas es saltar la cuerda, aprendí justo cuando inicio la pandemia y llegué a ser bastante buena haciendo trucos y cruces.

Hoy me provoco muchísimo ir a un polideportivo que está cerca de mi casa y practicar un poco para no perder la costumbre, cómo dicen. Me enfoqué en mejorar algunas cosas que ya sabía e intenté aprenderme bien un cruce de cuerda por detrás del cuerpo, me sentí feliz de liberar un poco de oxytocina, digamos que en otro lenguaje hice aproximadamente 5km ya que estuve 55minutos saltando seguido.

Es un deporte muy divertido e interesante, activas todo tu cuerpo y te ayuda a mejorar tu nivel de resistencia, además de que aprendes a controlar la respiración cosa que es indispensable para muchos otros deportes.

Aproveche y tome algunas fotos del lugar y lo bonito que se veía el cielo 💖 Enjoy!

One of my many sporting passions is jumping rope, I learned just when the pandemic started and I became quite good at doing tricks and crosses.

Today I'm very motivated to go to a sports center near my house and practice a little bit so I don't lose the habit, as they say. I focused on improving some things I already knew and tried to learn well a rope crossing behind the body, I was happy to release some oxytocin, let's say that in another language I did about 5km since I was 55minutes jumping in a row.

It's a very fun and interesting sport, it activates your whole body and helps you to improve your endurance level, besides you learn to control your breathing which is indispensable for many other sports.

I took some pictures of the place and how beautiful the sky looked 💖 Enjoy!

Pictures are my property, taken with my iPhone 11
English it's not my native language, I apologize for any mistakes in this post.
I used Deepl to translate.

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