“Forests Underwater by Takashi Amano” 🤩🍃🌲🍀🐟🐠🐡

Tropical forests are amongst the richest, more diversified habitats on Earth. Despite occupying less than 6% of the Earth’s surface, these pristine forests, yet intact and remote, are home to more than half of the species to be found on the planet. Nevertheless, tropical forests are listed amongst the most threatened habitats, in spite of their enormous relevance.😮😮

Los bosques tropicales se encuentran entre los hábitats más ricos y diversificados de la Tierra. A pesar de ocupar menos del 6% de la superficie de la Tierra, estos bosques vírgenes, aunque intactos y remotos, albergan a más de la mitad de las especies que se encuentran en el planeta. No obstante, los bosques tropicales figuran entre los hábitats más amenazados, a pesar de su enorme relevancia.😲😲


Takashi Amano👨‍🏫👨‍🎓👀🧔


Amano was the author of Nature Aquarium World (TFH Publications, 1994), a three-book series on aquascaping and freshwater aquarium plants and fish. He has also published the book Aquarium Plant Paradise (TFH Publications, 1997). A species of freshwater shrimp is named the “Amano shrimp” or "Yamato shrimp" (Caridina multidentata; previously Caridina japonica) after him. After discovering this species' ability to eat large quantities of algae, Amano asked a local distributor to special order several thousand of them. They have since become a staple in the freshwater planted aquarium hobby.🥰
Amano fue el autor de Nature Aquarium World (TFH Publications, 1994), una serie de tres libros sobre paisajismo acuático y plantas y peces de acuarios de agua dulce. También ha publicado el libro Aquarium Plant Paradise (TFH Publications, 1997). Una especie de camarón de agua dulce se llama "camarón Amano" o "camarón Yamato" (Caridina multidentata; anteriormente Caridina japonica) en su honor. Después de descubrir la capacidad de esta especie para comer grandes cantidades de algas, Amano pidió a un distribuidor local que hiciera un pedido especial de varios miles de ellas. Desde entonces se han convertido en un elemento básico en el pasatiempo de los acuarios plantados de agua dulce.😁😁



The Oceanário de Lisboa’s temporary exhibition, “Forests Underwater by Takashi Amano” features tropical forests inside a magnificent aquarium.😛😌
La exposición temporal del Oceanário de Lisboa, "Bosques submarinos de Takashi Amano", presenta bosques tropicales dentro de un magnífico acuario.😚😚

Forests Underwater👨‍🏫🍀🌿👀🧔


With a view to strengthening the Oceanário de Lisboa’s commitment to supporting nature conservation and promoting environmental education, this new exhibition shows nature from a different perspective – a unique environment where tropical forests and art are masterfully combined to create a world of sensations and emotions where visitors will forget their everyday routines and be immersed in a precious environment that evokes the origin of life.🙂🙂
Con el fin de fortalecer el compromiso del Oceanário de Lisboa de apoyar la conservación de la naturaleza y promover la educación ambiental, esta nueva exposición muestra la naturaleza desde una perspectiva diferente: un entorno único donde los bosques tropicales y el arte se combinan magistralmente para crear un mundo de sensaciones y emociones donde los visitantes Olvidará sus rutinas diarias y se sumergirá en un entorno precioso que evoca el origen de la vida.🤔🤔



Visitors will find their senses stimulated by the smells and sounds of the forest and feel deeply moved by the authentic “jewel” created by Takashi Amano and by the musical piece created by musician and composer Rodrigo Leão. Challenged to design the world’s largest “nature aquarium”, Takashi Amano, the most famous “aquascaper” in the world, created the central piece in this exhibition, a 40-metre long aquarium holding 160 thousand litres of freshwater.🙂🙂
Los visitantes encontrarán sus sentidos estimulados por los olores y sonidos del bosque y se sentirán profundamente conmovidos por la auténtica “joya” creada por Takashi Amano y por la pieza musical creada por el músico y compositor Rodrigo Leão. Con el desafío de diseñar el "acuario natural" más grande del mundo, Takashi Amano, el "paisajista acuático" más famoso del mundo, creó la pieza central de esta exposición, un acuario de 40 metros de largo que contiene 160 mil litros de agua dulce.😮😮






Takashi Amano’s artistic interpretation of these magical, mysterious ecosystems provides visitors with a contemplative, relaxing, calming and soothing experience, which encourages them to discover a nature carved by time, naturally and beautifully aged, as if more than a hundred years had elapsed since the piece was created.😋😋
La interpretación artística de Takashi Amano de estos ecosistemas mágicos y misteriosos brinda a los visitantes una experiencia contemplativa, relajante, calmante y reconfortante, que los anima a descubrir una naturaleza tallada por el tiempo, natural y bellamente envejecida, como si hubieran transcurrido más de cien años desde el Se creó la pieza.😮😮



Takashi Amano introduced Japanese gardening techniques and the wabi sabi concept into the design of planted aquariums, known as “nature aquariums”. His pieces, which recreate tropical forests, showcase the aesthetic nature of (im)perfection, providing visitors with an experience beyond imagination.😃😃
La interpretación artística de Takashi Amano de estos ecosistemas mágicos y misteriosos brinda a los visitantes una experiencia contemplativa, relajante, calmante y reconfortante, que los anima a descubrir una naturaleza tallada por el tiempo, natural y bellamente envejecida, como si hubieran transcurrido más de cien años desde el Se creó la pieza.🐡🐠🐟




Great contributions👨‍🏫👨‍🎓👀🧔




  • | U-shaped aquarium with a volume of 160m3, 40m long, 2.5m wide and 1.45m deep

  • | The aquarium holds 12 tonnes of sand, 25 tonnes of volcanic rock and 78 tree trunks

  • | More than 10,000 tropical fresh water fish of 40 different species

  • | 46 aquatic plants species

  • | The world’s largest “nature aquarium”, created by Takashi Amano

  • | First time an aquarium created by an artist is displayed at the Oceanário de Lisboa

  • | 3.3 million people have visited the exhibition since its launch











Importance of forests👨‍🏫👨‍🎓🌾🌵🌴




The importance of forests lies in the components and processes that integrate ecosystems and that provide multiple benefits to the environment, fauna and society.

From the point of view of ecology, forests help to regulate the climate and cushion the impact of natural phenomena.

• Maintain the supply of water in quality and quantity.

• They generate oxygen.

• They control erosion, as well as the generation, conservation and recovery of the soil.

• They contribute to the capture of carbon and the assimilation of various pollutants.

• They protect biodiversity, ecosystems and life forms.

• They promote and allow the pollination of plants and the biological control of pests.

• They are the space where the degradation and recycling of organic waste takes place.

• They allow appreciation of the landscape and recreation.

• They are an important source of raw materials.

• They are the genetic reservoir of life and provide an infinity of substances of great use to humanity for the fight against diseases.







Forest ecosystems include: forests and jungles, mangroves, xerophilous scrub and other forest associations provide products and services that directly contribute to the well-being of the population and are vital to our economies and daily lives. Among other services, forests are a source of food, timber, fuel and medicinal resources, in addition, they serve as tourist sites, scenic recreation and are also important for the socio-cultural activities of its inhabitants. Forests and jungles provide fundamental environmental services such as: the maintenance of water sources, biological diversity, as well as climate regulation and carbon sequestration.🙂🙂
Los ecosistemas forestales entre los que se encuentran: bosques y selvas, manglares, matorral xerófilo y otras asociaciones forestales proporcionan productos y servicios que contribuyen directamente al bienestar de la población y son vitales para nuestras economías y vida cotidiana. Entre otros servicios, los bosques son fuente de recursos alimentarios, maderables, combustibles y medicinales, además, sirven como sitios turísticos, de recreación escénica y son también importantes para las actividades socioculturales de sus habitantes. Los bosques y selvas proporcionan servicios ambientales fundamentales como: el mantenimiento de las fuentes de agua, la diversidad biológica, así como la regulación del clima y la captura de carbono.😏😏











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