Common creatures in my garden: lizards and frogs

Hello everyone in this great discovery-it community.
In this post I want to show you the creatures that I am common in my garden: lizards and frogs.

Hello, it’s me again, and today I want to talk to you about the creatures I found in my garden: lizards and frogs. They are two very common species in this area, and I love to see them in my backyard.

The lizards are small and fast, always moving back and forth in search of insects to eat, I can hardly capture them on camera of how fast they are, since they tend to get scared and run to a safe place for them.
But with a lot of patience you can take amazing photos of this wonder.

On the other hand, frogs are slower and usually spend most of their time in the water. I confess that I am very afraid of them, and I still don’t know why, maybe it’s because since I was little I have grown up with people who fear him and have instilled that fear in me. After all my life I had the courage to take photos of them up close and touch it, they have soft and moist skin, and their eyes are large and bright, this one specifically had an intense green color that made it even more beautiful.

Although they are very different in their appearance and behavior, both lizards and frogs are fascinating creatures, we should not be afraid of them or scare them, they are very important since they eat insects and help us prevent many diseases such as dengue. I love having them and watching them in my garden. It is a small sample of the beauty and diversity of nature that surrounds us.

Photos taken from my Iphone X
My Original Image @nicolelorena

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