Change and the “leather socks”

One can engage in a sport for fun or fitness. To take it seriously or to aim for higher levels the right gear or attire will be required. It can be argued that good shoes are essential for every sport but it’s even more so for football. The feet sits(stands😀) center stage in this sport - so wearing the best shoes is of paramount importance.

Casual watchers of football know or understand the sport but never really give a second thought to players' feet. If there is an injury - then it’s game over literally - until recovery. Common injuries are sprained ankles, fractures, bunions from wearing tight shoes, bruises from the feet being stepped on by other players etc.

With different Leagues/competitions occuring in the football world, I was wondering which players wore the Copa Pure Plus.

the Copa Pure Plus

It took only a bit of googling to find out that Dybala, Pedro, Neuer and Donnarumma wore them. My curiosity stemmed from the fact that my son started wearing them this past season. Serious football players wear good shoes. He considers himself as such. Good shoes tend to be expensive but that is not an issue for professional players - they (the professionals) are also expensive. However, aspiring footballers must also walk the walk.😀

The interview
The football season has officially started again this weekend. There are no matches yet for my son only training. He became notorious for often having loose laces while playing. However, he no longer has this honor or problem because a few months ago he bought new football shoes - the Copa Pure Plus.

My son sacrificed getting other luxuries and even wore shoes with a missing stud on both shoes, without telling us. Why? He wanted to ensure that he could get whatever the next best impressive shoes would be - as there are frequent improvements. He certainly earned these. The latest Copa Pure Plus shoes. They fit the bill as they are laceless and impressive.

It's about the feet - my son in his new football shoes - whilst in action

Now that he’s worn them for a few months, I asked him what he thought about these shoes compared to previous leather shoes with laces.

I will list his response here:

  1. There is better connection with the ground.
  2. The touch of the ball is better because there is less obstruction between the foot and the ball.
  3. The shoes really shape to the feet. The previous shoes had laces, which made the shoes feel different after tightening.
  4. There is no tongue - it is one solitary shoe - so it feels better.
  5. They feel like comfortable leather socks. It is almost as though there are no shoes on the feet - like playing barefooted but it is safer.

When asked why he didn’t complain about the missing studs for so long, he said,
“The missing studs forced me to play differently and to be smarter. A good pair of shoes becomes bad."

It was a challenge which he embraced. Now he is able to compare and appreciate how the new shoes feel versus other leather laced shoes - even broken shoes. Well, one would think that the old shoes are now relegated to a garbage heap somewhere but instead they have pride of place in the hanging “Football shoes hall of Fame”.

However - I digress.
My son continued,
“While wearing the Copa Pure Plus, I do not need to think about my feet in the shoes - I can just play.”

If your feet are comfortable - you play differently and hopefully better - it seems logical.

Change is not easy
As mentioned, my son always had an issue with his laces. It became his trademark as they flapped around after a few minutes of play. He did get a shoe lace tying diploma at school when he was 4 years old. Yes - they do this in the Netherlands. It was deserved or we can blame the types of laces.😀 Tying shoelaces should be easy but I see many making double knots. Everyone believes they know how to and will not try to change. Adults are the same - they do not like change. I have seen many adults with loose laces or re-doing their laces occasionally or also making double knots.

It's better clockwise
I once demonstrated this TEDtalk YouTube video, to a group of professionals who needed to change their behavior regarding new processes (this had nothing to do with shoe laces). They were seasoned professionals who knew their jobs and thought they knew what was best already.

It's demonstrated that tying your laces in a clockwise direction keeps them tighter. The video is 2.59 mins and worth watching.

Old habits die hard
My son was shown the video years ago. He tried this method and was enthusiastic. Nevertheless, he reverted to his old method shortly thereafter because it was his habit. He did not practice the new method long enough. It was easier to stick with what was “automatic”. Habits are ingrained. Although all change is not the same as switching/changing to new football shoes - this example demonstrates that it is not easy. It’s easier and more convenient to stick to what is known even if the original behavior is not effective.

The analogy is applicable to many other situations and areas of life. The saying - "Old habits die hard" is true. We like to remain in our comfort zone.

Change is sometimes easy when we can immediately see the purpose and benefit. (For e.g. Switching to new shoes)
However, it is not easy when we need to break old habits. (Learn a new method.)

In our world today - change is inevitable. It is all around us, so we need to embrace it and figure out what is best for us. ADAPT or DIE (strong words) or DIE TRYING or IGNORE. We often fear change when it involves something new, has a negative connotation or if it takes some or much effort. One thing is for sure - change will happen whether we are ready for it or not.

Change can invigorate our lives or give us new perspectives. Remember, wew things often come with new energies.

All photos are my own

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