How to rescue a baby bird 🐥 - Part 2


As I've already written in a previous post, I've found a little bird in my garden, fallen off its nest.
The first day it was very scared (maybe because it was shocked seeing all its brothers die) and it was so small that it stayed in the palm of a hand.



I brought it home and I prepared an old birdcage with some twigs and a little nest made with a bit of cloth.


I prepared a porridge made of cats' kibbles and egg yolk; honestly, it stank a lot, but the bird seemed to like it.


It needs to eat very often, about ten times a day, and, if I forget to feed it, it starts twitting so loud I can't ignore it.
It is small but very determined!


After a week it has doubled its size, and even its plumage is changed; before it was dark brown with some beige dots, now is clearly lighter with yellow shades and it has lost the typical lint of baby birds.


It totally trusts me; I can hold it in my hands and it lets itself cuddle like a cat, twitting everytime I cuddle it.

A tiny tail has begun to grow and it started its firsts flying attempts; during the day I let it fly aroud the house for some hours, I hope in this way it can learn how to fly.

If I move across the rooms it follows me, trying to fly or bouncing on the floor, but it always seeks my presence, I think it considers me its mother.

It can't fly well yet and it can't provide for its nutrition by itself, so I think it needs to be taken care of for some days more.

It became part of the family, even my dog loves it, it will be sad when I have to release it, but it's the nature.


I will give you updates on its progress, as soon as it will be a strong and adult bird, ready to leave permanently the nest.

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