OPENHAB in PILLOLE: 10. Things, Channels, Items - La teoria della progettazione / OPENHAB in a NUTSHELL: 10. Things, Channels, Items - Design theory ITA ENG


In this video from the OPENHAB in a NUTSHELL series we talk about the Smart Home design theory on OpenHAB, introducing the concepts of "real environment", through Things, Bindings and Channels and "virtual / functional environment", through Items and Links.

Let's try to understand together how OpenHAB thinks and how we need to design and configure our devices to make it work best.

Enjoy the video


In questo video della serie OPENHAB in PILLOLE parliamo della teoria di progettazione della Smart Home su OpenHAB, introducendo i concetti di "ambiente reale", tramite Things, Bindings e Channels e "ambiente virtuale / funzionale", tramite Items e Links.

Cerchiamo di capire insieme come OpenHAB ragiona e come bisogna progettare e configurare i nostri dispositivi per farlo funzionare al meglio.

Buona visione

Video di mia proprietà

*** My own Video***

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