What would we need to transform Mars

What would we need to transform Mars


To begin with, we need a powerful protective magnetic field like the one that the earth has, Mars does not have it, although it is suspected that if it had it in the past about 4,200 million years ago, today there are only remains of that primitive magnetic field with a tiny value , barely two thousandths of the value of the Earth's magnetic field.


A protective magnetic field is essential not only to protect life forms on the surface from radiation, it is also essential to maintain the atmosphere so that it is not lost in space by the action of the solar wind, even more so on a planet. small like Mars, but protecting Mars from the solar wind would not be impossible.


En el 2017 durante una conferencia de ciencia planetaria, J. L. Green científico jefe de la nasa, planteó que se podría crear un escudo dipolo magnético que posicionado en un punto concreto del espacio podría generar un campo magnético protector para el planeta rojo.

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