Violent changes recorded by the planet.

Violent changes recorded by the planet.


A very important part of the history of humanity is under water due to the changes that the planet undergoes and the most curious thing is that the more we investigate the more changes we discover and some are truly strange, like the one announced in a recent article in the magazine Nature scientist, apparently between 86 and 79 million years ago the earth oscillated, the crust and the mantle rotated around the outer core of the earth and vice versa which caused the planet to tilt about 12 degrees.

Well, analyzing the data for the magnetic ones, explained in a simple way when tectonic plates expand and a new oceanic surface is formed, as for example occurs in the mid-Atlantic ridge, which is a chain of volcanoes and faults that runs through the Atlantic Ocean from north to south. like a gigantic scar, because on that ridge the lava comes out, to form a new surface of the Atlantic Ocean, which is expanding.


The interesting thing, the concrete thing, is that within that lava there are small amounts of iron and other magnetic minerals and while they are molten these minerals float in the lava, orienting themselves with the poles as if they were compasses and here comes the magic of science, Because when the lava cools and forms in the rocks, the magnetic minerals are solidified and aligned with the poles, it is as if the compass will freeze, marking the direction of the magnetic poles that were there at the time it cooled, the researchers knowing The movement of the plates and studying that alignment, they can know where the Earth's poles were millions of years ago and this is how they discovered the proof that the earth had tilted.

But what was the cause, that is more complicated, the co-author of the research Ross N. Mitchell from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, argues that the event could be caused by the movement of the tectonic plates, before the late Cretaceous plate of the Pacific was the largest of all, with about 60 million square kilometers, that giant plate was sinking under a plate to the north, but about 84 million years ago a change occurred, it began to sink in a different direction under another plate that was to the west, this change could literally cause the earth to lose its balance and oscillate.

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