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In conquest of Venus

In conquest of Venus


NASA has selected two missions to study the planet Venus, in which NASA has literally called "The Lost Habitable World."

These missions aim to respond because Venus being a planet similar to the earth it ended up becoming such a hot world, in fact it is believed that Venus was the first habitable planet in the solar system due to its proximity to the sun; while the Sun was increasing, Venus lost that characteristic of a habitable planet, making it what it is today.


These missions will consist of approximately 500 million for each one, these will be launched for the period 2028 - 2030; The First mission is called VERITAS, in its acronym in English for Emissivity of Venus, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography and Spectroscopy, these terms show us what the mission will consist of.

First, it will map the planet to determine the geological history of Venus and because it developed so differently from Earth, the mission probe will be in orbit of the planet with a “synthetic aperture” radar; It will also plot the elevations of the surface to recreate 3d animations of the topography and confirm if the plate and volcanism processes are active on the planet.

The mapping will also record infrared emissions from the surface of Venus to find out the types of rocks that are largely unknown and determine if hot spots are releasing vapors into the atmosphere; This mission will be shared with a German team that will provide the infrared mapping equipment, it will also have the collaboration of the Italian space agency and the French national center for space studies that will provide the radar or other parts of the equipment.

The second mission in called DAVINCI + in its acronym in English of investigation of Venus in deep atmosphere of noble gases, chemistry and images; NASA wanted to pay homage to the genius of the Renaissance with the name of the mission.

The mission aims to measure the composition of the atmosphere of Venus to understand how it formed and evolved, and thus determine if the planet ever had seas and continents.The mission consists of a spherical probe that will measure in the thick atmosphere the gases that make it up and determine how the planet suffers an eternal and growing greenhouse effect.

In addition, the mission will send us the high definition images of the possible deformations of the surface called Tesseras that can be compared as the continents of the earth, and it proves that Venus has plates like the earth, this mission is the return of the USA to the planet since 1978. Mission results could improve our understanding of terrestrial planet formation in our solar systems and beyond.

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