Discovering Umbria

A weekend full of colors and wine around Umbria, Italy

View from Montefalco | Umbria, Italy

It's been a while since I wrote my last #photography post. Unfortunately, as a photographer and generally as an artist you do not always feel like expressing yourself, showing your work or going around producing new material. Mood is everything, and when your mood is not good enough, no matter what, you'll never get to work the right way. Also, I am still going through hard times, because of unemployement, personal issues, and actual anxiety problems. Although I firmly believe in the power of art, including photography and music, to support and heal human mind and soul, it is still tough to get completely through those painful moments, when you are your own support to yourself.

Thankfully, a friend of mine had invited my boy and me to visit her in Umbria, where she lives, just for a couple of great days. For at least a weekend I relaxed a little and carried my camera around with me, took some pics, ate a lot of local food, and drank even more typical wine.
Here for you I post a selection from the photos I took last weekend in Umbria.
Hope you'll enjoy!

First thing you do when arriving in Umbria: aperitivo!

Piazza del Municipio, Montefalco | Umbria, Italy

Flag of a Contrada from Montefalco

Il Verziere, Montefalco

Contemporary art installation representing the Church's will to welcome and help immigrants from all over the world coming in

Let's go now for some vertical views of Perugia, Assisi and Montefalco

We went around Montefalco and Foligno on Saturday evening and night, while we visited Perugia and Assisi on Sunday morning and early afternoon: you can possibly feel the heat from these pictures. It was definitely extremely hot and super sunny that it started to feel tiresome even to walk to the restaurant for lunch! Besides the temperature, we had the chance to enjoy the very best spots in Umbria thanks to my friend's knowledge of those places. FYI: Assisi is so worthy, if you have little time, forget about Perugia instead: definitely overrated!

For the weekend, I decided to bring with me my Nikon D3200 Camera and I only used a 16-85mm lens, which I think it's best when visiting places and walking a lot, as it provides both a good zoom and nice wide shots too.

As usual, post-production was minimal and only served to enhance the inner features of the photos, without transforming them strongly.

It was a long time since I happened to be around Italy to take some good shots, I am definitely happy when this happens. I would love to do so more in my life, and who knows, may be making it into a job could be a chance for me! What you think?
I look forward to reading your opinions, so pease, leave a comment and I'll reply right away.

Thank you for reading 'till the end :)

Yours - Flewsplash

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