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The Best of Discovery-it #643

The Best of Discovery-it #643

Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?

[ESP-ENG] Sci-Fi City with a Spaceship / Ciudad Sci-Fi con una Nave Espacial

by @politeumico

The protagonist of today’s artwork by politeumico is an original sci-fi city with a spaceship. It was made with Mandelbulb 3D, a free 3d fractal program. “I experimented and I tried some "maps" with the fractal. Finally, with the spaceship already rendered in zbrush, I went to photoshop to make a sci-fi scene with an alien sky, lights, and the bluish trail of ion engines flying across the city sky” the artist told us. What an amazing result!

Creature sketch

by @kevmcc

The artist kevmcc shares with us a beautiful drawing representing a fantasy creature. “The process for this started with laying down a rough shape with a cotton ball and black pastel chalk, I then use a cotton bud to refine the shapes bofore using Staedtler Mars black pencils. To finnish the drawing I use a Derwent charcoal pencil, and an eraser for any highlights” this is the description of the creative process. In the post you can appreciate the different steps of realization and the final result.

The tree on the lake shore - A árvore na margem do lago [ENG|POR]

by @photocracia

In this nice post photocracia shares with us a shot made with an old cellphone. “I always receive questions about what camera to buy or someome saying that my camera makes excelent pictures. Usually the people is more concern about the equipament, but they forget about photographic knowledge. We can make excelent and horrible pictures with good and with bad cameras, what make the picture a good or bad image is how you use your equipament and your knowledge to create it” the photographer said. The subject of the photo is the beauty and simplicity of a tree that grows between the lake shore and the street. Don’t miss it!

An artful of abstract art for my entry for the #monomad challenge

by @chociscorpipro

In today’s post you can find the chociscorpipro’s entry for the famous Monomad challenge. The protagonist is a metallic sculpture in Docklands. “The design has just intrigued me and I can't stop looking at it, especially since it looks so striking in monochrome” the photographer said.

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