Every Vote Counts


This is one of those years where the idea of voting carries a lot more weight than it might in another year. The United States is in the midst of another presidential election and though the political commercials haven't proliferated our TV's yet, we know it is only a matter of time before we just want the whole thing to be over.

In my post this week, I'm going to cover some other things you might vote for that could be just as important as the presidential election. At the very least, they will probably impact you more directly.

I was heading to bed the other night and I noticed how amazing the crescent moon looked out my back window. I haven't seen the moon again in a bit, so I am guessing it was a waning crescent. That tracks with some of the predictions I saw for the middle of March as well.

I couldn't help but take a few shots of the moon. We talk about it so much in crypto after all. The way the BTC price has been rolling up, it's pretty likely you have heard your fair share of moon talk as well.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

I was thinking we might hit $75,000 by the end of the week, but with the recent pull back today, that is looking a little less likely. You just never know with crypto though! At this point we could still see anything happen on the 15th of March. I know Caesar didn't see it coming either now did he?

I mentioned in my post yesterday that my good friend @a4xjeeper went out to a fish fry last weekend. As we were on our way to the location, we started talking about the crypto that he had me buy several years ago.

Now, normally I wouldn't be too keen on investing money for someone else. I was very clear with him from the get go that it would likely all go to zero and oddly enough he was totally okay with that. I never told him what I was investing his money in and he never asked, but I think he was a bit surprised that I had moved some into BTC instead of just putting it all into Hive.

By sheer dollar amount, the gains aren't that impressive, but from a percentage standpoint, he is doing quite well.

DHF Votes

I know usually on Fridays when I am talking about votes I am usually referring to Witness votes and how you should be using them. In this case though, I am talking about votes for the DHF proposals. I recently removed some of my long time DHF votes and added some other ones that I didn't already have.

My biggest issue is the fact that the one has pieces of their platform that hasn't worked for a while now. I'm not going to name names, but it has been a long standing issue. We were recently promised that things were going to get better, but ultimately, they just stayed the same. Actually, if anything, they have gotten worse.

We need to remember that this is no small amount that some of these projects are making. Yes, they have teams and developers to pay, but they also have to answer to us and if they aren't meeting their end of the deal, they don't necessarily deserve to continue getting compensated for it.

My main point with DHF votes and witness votes is that it isn't a popularity contest. Be sure you are thoughtfully and responsibly using your votes. Simply throwing them out because everyone else does or it's just easier is not always for the best.


Hello? Hello!

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Hive has been a bit dead lately. I know part of it is just the time of year, but it really feels like activity has kind of dropped off the edge of a cliff. I really expected things to be picking up more than dropping off with the recent movement in the crypto markets.

Usually by this time people are crawling out of the woodwork. Old accounts that were effectively shuttered start to come back to life and people are clamoring to join up on the blockchain. Perhaps it is just the fact that this bull run has started a little prematurely. Maybe it's just the season or the weather.

I don't know.

I hope things pick up again fairly soon though. It makes me a bit worried to see things so slow when really people should be popping off like lightning bugs.

Safe Travels!

Finally, I'd just like to wish all my friends in the #silvergoldstackers community safe travels as they head to the big meet up in Las Vegas. I am guessing most of them are there by now, but they are hopefully returning home too. I hope that one day I can share this experience with them, but until then, I hope this year is the best one ever. Live it up!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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