Do you know a social chameleon


People are interesting am I right? It never ceases to amaze me the different facets each of has. We carry knowledge and skills with us from one situation to the next.

My wife and I are not really fans of crowds, but we do enjoy people watching quite a bit. A big part of her job is understanding behaviors and knowing how actions relate to people's personalities. I'm a tech guy, so as you can imagine I am not as adept at interpersonal interactions.

In fact, it is probably a good thing I am not going to Hivefest. I am either struggling to make small talk and looking like I would rather be somewhere else, or talking your ear off until you wish you were somewhere else. There is no in between.

In that respect my wife definitely balances me out and I appreciate a great deal of comfort having her by my side when we are in social situations.

Then there are other people. People who can adapt to pretty much any situation and become the life of the party or the most well respected person in the room. Whatever situation is thrown at them they adapt and thrive. I have a friend like this and I have to admit it is a bit confounding.

I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean it's a quality I wish I had, but it also makes you wonder how genuine the person is. How can you be sure the version of the person you are getting is the real version? Maybe there is no real version and you just have to take them as a whole.

If you have never met someone like this, you are truly missing out. It's fascinating watching someone act like a young child with their son fart jokes and all and then shift seamlessly into a deep conversation about religion or some other super serious topic.

As I said, I am a bit of an introvert. I am also pretty awkward when it comes to small talk and I feel like I have a propensity to talk about myself a lot. I think I quite often fall into the trap of thinking about what I am going to say next and not actually listening to the other person.

It's not that I don't care, it's just that my mind is a million other places and its hard to shut all of that.

Like I said, there is an aspect of my friends ability that I truly envy. I wish I could be that guy that everyone enjoys talking to.

Do you know someone that is a social chameleon? Do you feel like you are getting the genuine person when you spend time with them? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!


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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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