5th & 6th of August 2015

The photographs that you'll see in this post were taken during two hot summer days in 2015.


The moon was full on the 5th of August 2015. I watched it from the place called Marlera, a stretch of coastline about five or six kilometers from Medulin, the town in which I live. Half an hour earlier, in the same area ...


... I was enjoying the sunset. The same day, but much earlier, it must have been around noon or late in the morning ...


... I photographed a friend, a cat, and a dog that were chilling on the bench in front of my house.

Here you can see the zucchini flowers I picked early in the morning. I don't remember why, but the fruits that year, weren't growing well. The flowers were falling too soon. Before the zucchini could be developed. So I fried the flowers for breakfast that day. An hour or two later ...


... I took a bunch of selfies in the bathroom mirror.


That selfie session started with shaving. In those years, I often had fun making silly selfies after shaving my head.


After taking the self-portraits, the fun usually continued on Facebook, where many friends were commenting, and I was laughing and responding.

At some point, exhausted by posing & photographing, I spent some time meditating on my life, endeavors, and the universe in general. It was in those ethereal meditative moments above the toilet Bowl that I decided to spend an hour or two, maybe three, on the beaches of Marlera. And I did it ...

... but only at the end of that long summer day.

As you can see in these muddled, grainy shots taken with an old & not very good compact camera ...

... the evening by the sea was really beautiful ...


... and, like the cherry on the cake, the full moon was mounted above the silhouettes of shrubs and trees.

It was pretty dark when a group of quad bikes passed me by raising plenty of dust.

The next day, I visited Marlera again.


I spent the whole afternoon there.

The dust shown in this photograph was raised by another group of quad bikes.

I did a bit of outdoor meditation on that occasion. I mean, just like in the case of the previous toilet bowl spirituality, I was just posing in front of my camera, simulating a meditation. I get in meditation mode only when I observe and photograph the plants and creatures through the macro lens.


Later, in the evening, always in Marlera, I photographed another sunset.

Here you can see a bit of the dried-out vegetation from the coastal meadow photographed immediately after the sunset.


On the 6th of August 2015, early in the morning, I ate half jar of homemade elderberry jam for breakfast.



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