RE: ## Feminism has always been about hating men and nothing else feminis ...

Maybe it was FALSELY assumed, but I pulled all this info from the article YOU asked ME to read. If it wasn't a good representation of you 'beliefs', then maybe you shouldn't have picked it.

Whether it was falsely assumed or not, the problem I have is that when MEN falsely assumed it to limit rights for women, that was fine. When women used the same false assumption, it was vilified. That is discrimination against women, no matter what kind of mental gymnastics you do.

You're not speaking truth, you're regurgitating a twisted version of the facts and spreading it as propaganda. If that's what you want to do with your life... good luck to you. I would try to point out to you that we are nowhere near the catastrophes of the Spanish Flu, Great Depression, or WWI, but I'm sure you'd rather believe the lies of your handlers. I could also point out that men still hold every position of power on the planet, but I'm sure you somehow think they're all being controlled by women.

Your center point is wrong, and based on a lie. You believe the lie because it supports what you want to believe. That doesn't make it right, or true.

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