RE: ## Feminism has always been about hating men and nothing else feminis ...

I'm pointing out hate from the other side.

This is a hateful statement. You've already given your 'enemies' the demeaning label of 'other'. We do not live in a feminist world, that is a hateful delusion you've been brainwashed with. That's the truth. If you think it's hate speech, that's on you. I don't hate you. I don't even hate your hate. I just want to understand how you ended up so misguided.

I'm not countering any of your arguments, I'm telling you what I've witnessed with my own eyes. Watching a bunch of propaganda that encourages me to see MY reality through someone else's hate sounds like a monumental waste of time. You're not going to see the propaganda when I point it out, or we wouldn't be here now. If you can't sum up the full argument for me in less than 1000 words, then YOU don't know the full argument either. What you're really saying here is 'You don't think the same way I do, so you must not be educated yet.'

Am I wrong? What's your endgame with this? Isn't it your goal to undermine and destroy feminism? Isn't that the EXACT SAME kind of hate you (wrongfully) accuse feminists of? Do you even know the point you're trying to convey, and why?

BTW: Your username translates from Latin as 'The wyrm that makes things worse'.

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