RE: RE: We live in an area which has been plagued by drought. A mild hurricane or ...
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RE: We live in an area which has been plagued by drought. A mild hurricane or ...

RE: We live in an area which has been plagued by drought. A mild hurricane or ...

We survived our first hurricane! I know it was only a category 1, but when you've never experienced anything like that before, well, you know...

Anyway, we lost some shingles, so we'll have to look at the roof. Fence gates were torn from their hinges, tree limbs down (fortunate it wasn't a whole tree). However, one of the tree limbs took out the windshield of one of our cars.

Our oldest daughter was visiting this weekend. We told her what was about to come, but she wanted to come anyway. So, she experienced it with us. Our son and one of our other daughters live in the area here, too. They are both fine. The daughter who lives here had water coming in through a window. She'll have to tell the apartment management to fix it since it is leaky (the window didn't break). We were going to go help her with that, but she said the street she was on was about to flood (the ditch was full and ready to overflow), so we didn't go until later, when the waters were down.

Our electric went out sometime between 7 and 7:30 am (it kept flickering for a while, then finally stayed off). We got power back around 3 pm, which we consider ourselves lucky as we've heard that not everyone will get their power back for a couple days. Ours must have been just a tree taking down a wire. Others may be transformers out.

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