RE: Since I can share several links on D.Buzz without reaching the 280-character limit, I would promote my free services here 😎

lol yeah... when i was making the comment i actually thought it didn't go through at all, si i figured I'd try again later and then forgot... :shrug:

here we are... i deleted the other two duplicates.

I've once written a post on the bunny's blog that tries to explain the queue in layman's terms... but it's not easy to explain the algorithm in detail.

all dusty tasks on the bunny's watchlist get queued for an upvote when they are between 36-12hrs before payout. A task 12hrs before payout would by itself have the highest urgency and that's where the bonus minutes come into the equation... the task owner's quota-penalty and support-bonuses will make the individual tasks reach that highest priority by X minutes earlier (or later of course) accordingly, thus serving dust demand as fairly and equally as possible while also maximizing the bunny's voting power usage...

I hope the explanation makes sense?!

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