RE: Since I can share several links on D.Buzz without reaching the 280-character limit, I would promote my free services here 😎

Hi @savvyplayer,

after making a delegation to the bunny it might take up to 48 hours before you're actually registered on the bunny's watchlist. From there on the bunny will watch all your incoming and outgoing votes for dust on the content they affect... so it might be that your first actionable dust is due just round about now.

keep in mind, the bunny doesn't just look for your dusty rewards but also for your dusty votes going out to someone else and might double down on those.

you can come by the bunny's discord (link on the @dustbunny profile) to use the interface there and check on what the bunny is tracking/voting for you.

also, there's no guarantee the bunny will upvote all your dust all the time. 10HP isn't exactly a huge delegation and there might be users with a higher priority for when your dust is due for a vote.

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