Sheer Nourishment.

We are faced with different challenges every day and it's totally up to us to overcome such challenges or not. Different people derive their motivation and drive to keep moving forward from different sources. It could be from podcasts, motivational speakers, real life experiences from others or even music!

I like to tell whoever cares to listen that music can be so nourishing and no, I do not mean physically, rather mentally. Our minds could be thrown off balance due to the number of things we think about from time to time. Personally, music is usually a remedy during such instances.

We all have specific types of songs we listen to and some people take it a notch higher by having different songs for different activities of the day. However, I like to start my days with songs and I would be sharing one of such songs with you today.

If soothing was a song, it would be “Lose Control”.

Certain songs have the ability to automatically elevate a person's mood and not so many of such songs are being produced these days. I remember angry clicking on the next button after giving a ‘’certain’ song a chance. I like to listen to music and I could keep my playlist of eternal replay. However, listening to a song over and over again can lead to one developing some form of dislike for the song, hence, I give new songs a chance.

The deal is, whenever I come across a new song, I listen for the first minute to know if the song is worth it. Asides from the prolonged introductory instrumentals, I believe the first verse of a song and consequently the solo should be intriguing enough. If they aren't, then that could be classified as a ‘not so good song’.

Notwithstanding, I listened to “lose control” by Teddy Swims for less than thirty seconds and I was awed and I am not even exaggerating. The song is a manifestation of what I like to call a masterpiece; from the introduction to the very end.

I believe that two main aspects make up a listen-worthy song; the lyrics and the artist's voice and maybe the instrumentals may fall after. The value the lyrics are giving to listeners should be top notch and so should the vocals of the person rendering the song.

Teddy Swims inarguably has a really powerful voice making ‘lose control’ one song that I would very much want to attend a live rendition.


I like to do a little background check of songs that I listen to and research shows the song was released in the year 2020, the year when total lockdown was a thing. A lot of people fell into depression for one reason or another.

Releasing this song during that period just felt right as it was a source of solace to the people that came across it. Inarguably, songs can help maintain a person's sanity during trying times.

If you haven't already listened to this piece, I would whole heartedly recommend you do.



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