The Universe is trying to tell me something - A song inspired story

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Sometimes it´s like the universe is trying to tell you something. It just starts throwing things at you, it seems all random at first. Until you see beyond the veils of the so-called randomness.

Well, that is kinda what happened to me these last couple of weeks.

It all started with a song, a song somebody told me about: Little Mermaid by The Troot.
So I looked up the song and this was the first original version I found.

Now I Googled it again today and it gave me a totally different version that I was not even able to find during my first search 12 days ago.

Now, why do I point that out, because it matters, duhhh.

Did you watch the video?

I did not as I was listening to the song, what I did notice was that it was part of a playlist:
The Flat earth Music Compelation

Flat Earth, seriously?

Now that drew my attention as it contained some very cool songs from REM, The Doors, Soundgarden, and many more. I wondered why these great songs would be part of a playlist that refers to a very strange belief. Or better call it a conspiracy theory, I heard that these beliebers like that.

Well guess that was it, weird title but a great playlist.

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Wrong, it got weirder, as I couldn´t find that playlist today. It took a browser search before I found that list and noticed it was set to hidden.
I don´t get that, if I make a playlist I want to share it with the world. But of course, hiding it would fit the conspiracy mindset much better.

But let's get back to the story.

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So I left that playlist and went on my merry little way until later that day or the next day (short-term memory issues) I got an upvote from somebody. Curious as always I looked at the profile from the upvote and saw this.


This article is 4 years old, but it was the second one showing when I clicked the profile. If I do that today, I see there are plenty of similar articles that are only two years old. Those were not there when I clicked.

This poo is all getting way too weird for my tiny brain.

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But it wasn´t weird at the time. I just thought the guy did not post for four years. The article did trigger my attention. Now I know that if your mind is focused on something, even if it is not consciously, you will see that thing pop up everywhere.


It did.

It did pop up again. I was checking out this guy that is a HEX fanboy, don´t ask me why but there are people that actually believe HEX is not a scam. He brought up the fact that the earth was flat in a not-so-nice comment.


Of course, I had to see if he could plea temporarily insanity. Guess not, as he is promoting this video several times.

So I have been tripping over this flat earth stuff quite a bit during these last days, but it was maybe my unconscious mind looking for it. Still, when I was watching a topic on a Dutch Talkshow about nitrogen problems and someone denied some facts, the host called out that denying those facts was like denying that the earth is round.

This was so random in my opinion, that I knew that the universe in which a flat earth does exist was calling me. At a certain point, when the universe keeps calling you, you have to pick up and answer, right? So I decided to think about it.

Right, I was thinking about answering the call, when someone, my son, walked into my life again and showed me a Spanish .....about the earth being ....a cube.

In this little movie, which was meant to be funny, the guys were arguing about the world being flat or a cube. After watching that video I was sure that the universe was trying to tell me its biggest secret:

The earth is a bucket!

We all KNOW that The earth is flat (1).gif

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That is probably only funny if you know a little Spanish. But seriously, the top of a bucket is flat so who knows? According to the believers, we do not know what is on the other side of that flat earth.....until now that is.

Next time I will try to dive into that bucket and see what convincing material there is out there on this flat earth conspiracy topic. Because the universe is probably not calling me just to have me make a dad joke (in Spanish).

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