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Solve The Riddle & Win 250 Ecency Points [#TTT Week 31] - "Its Getting Hot In Here"

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The Tune Tune Train keeps rolling:

The Tune Tune Train is a challenge I came up with based on the Three Tunes Tuesday format. It´s a TTT with a riddle!

How does it work?

*I will give you three great songs and you can win a 2 day Ecency promotion on your next post if you tell me what connects the songs.

A connection can be: that they are all about flowers, they have the same drummer, they all sing about Pink Mushrooms, or they are all kids from famous parents. Just to give an idea of what a connection might be.*

And of course, it´s about playing, and the honor of winning not the prices (uhu)

And these were last week's songs:

2 Live Crew - Banned In The U.S.A.
Imposter (Snow) - Jim Carrey

We Have No Winner

I will not blame it on the rain, nor my riddles. I just have to stop coming up with awesome riddles in summertime. Nobody has time for this it seems, because you are all too busy getting a tan.

But I can´t stop, I keep rolling and the riddles keep coming!

Hint In The Title; Sounds familiar
And the Hint; It seems they just keep coming this week
The Midnight Gems Hint: "I think I did post about it last week"

Duhh Parodies...I did a whole post about them but again it´s not your fault that you prefer the pool above me.

Here we go again!

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All Aboard!

The Tune Tune Train is Taking Off!
Are You Ready To Riddle?

A very wise man once told me, whatever you do in life....wear sunscreen. I listened and I am still here so he was right.

Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

Talking about grillll power, these are my kinda girls but I guess they only exist in lyrics because I do not seem to meet them.

Iggy Azalea, Sophia Scott - Sex on the Beach

I loooved Wham when I was 10. But I did not like this tune.... I still don´t tbh but it´s getting better.

Wham! - Club Tropicana

Here, Have A Clue

No hints for you as you are all on holiday anyway*

If you still have no clue, and nobody else does there will be another hint this Friday.

Let me know in the comments if you figure out what connects these three songs. If you need another hint, check out my Midnight Gems Session this Friday!

The connection and winner will be featured in next week's #TTT

Previous Tune Tune Train Rides:

Source Pic MyI & AI