Solve The Riddle & Win a $1 Up-vote [#TTT Week 24] - "Telling Tales"

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The Tune Tune Train keeps rolling:

The Tune Tune Train is a challenge I came up with based on the Three Tunes Tuesday format. It´s a TTT with a riddle!

How doe it work?

I will give you three great songs and you can win a $1 Ecency boost if you tell me what connects the songs.
A connection can be: they are all about flowers, they have the same drummer, they all sing about Pink Mushrooms, or they are all kids from famous parents. Just to give an idea of what a connection might be.

It´s up to you Dear Reader to figure out what connects the Tune Tune Train. The first one that drops the solution in the comments gets a $1 boost on their next post!
Or you can just wait till I solve the riddle in next week's post.

And these were last week's songs:

Burgerkill "Killchestra" - An Elegy
VNV Nation - Illusion
Floor Jansen & Metropole Orchestra - Sound of the Wind

Last Week's Clue Was:

  • Baton without the Rouge

Everything changes but You

We Have A Winner

@bozz finally got a clue as the Bato dropped and it became clear these were all songs supported by an orchestra.

Here we go again!

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All Aboard!

The Tune Tune Train is Taking Off!
Are You Ready To Riddle?

It is becoming more and more fun thinking of new riddles and finding new great tunes that have that one single connection. But I did it again and this next song is so cool, so weird, a new discovery.

Morgen - Welcome To The Void

And if you thought that was this week's gem, think again. Crazy, happy, cool, and just a little strange. Jellyfish was already an underrated species, but this shows why.

Jellyfish - The King Is Half-Undressed

Save the Best for Last? Nah I will leave that up to you to decide but it´s another crazy tune you probably did not know existed.

XTC - Scissor Man

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Here, Have A Clue

In a place far far away long long ago

BTW nobody said anything about my new train guess you guys don´t like it then {sad}

Let me know in the comments if you figure out what connects these three songs. If you need another hint, check out my Midnight Gems Session this Friday!

Because the First to get it right, gets a nice $1 Ecency Boost!

The connection and winner will be featured in next week's #TTT

Previous Tune Tune Train Rides:
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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