Midnight Gems -Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 40 "All Over The Space Place"


For those of you who are new to my MidNight Gems series. Welcome to this nightly trip on which we will uncover & recover some amazing songs & covers.

Last week I went a bit nationalistic, just a little but tonight I have a gem packed show for you all. With...... A little bit of everything and a lot of sweet melodies and pretty voices.

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When writing my little riddle I was thinking about the first hit of Maria McKee's Show Me Heaven and that reminded me of one of my favorite little ballads from back in the days. But I only felt it, I could not remember anything no words no nothing. The only thing I found flowing through my mind was a vague memory was a piano veiled by cigarette smoke.

I focussed my mind's eye and little by little I heard some tones and then after 5 minutes of focus ..."You light up another cigarette and I pour the wine."

There it was..... and how I missed it.

Beverly Craven - Promise Me

That was such a little song lost, a song I don´t hear that often anymore, a song that brings back memories.
Now that was very early '90s, so a bit of an 80s vibe would perfectly fit. And lucky me stumbled onto this cool little synth sound by Part Time

Part Time - Lies in The Eyes Of Love

Wasn´t that a sexy sax?
So what should be next something with the same vibe but a little more modern I guess. Would shoegaze just be the evolution of synth-pop? It might be listening to Wolf Alice.

Wolf Alice - Don´t Delete the Kisses

When I saw this I was wowed, a little girl with a big bass guitar and an electric cello this is so sexy, and then her screaming how do you want me....can it get any better? It could if it just sounded a little less like Skunk Anansie.

Meg Myers - Desire

What is it with me and female voices am I that biased? I mean I love many male singers but on this show, I tend to end up playing largely girls

Ally Nicholas - Fall Into

Talking about larger girls remember this lady, I always had a weak spot for Beth Ditto. I did not forget about her but I did forget about this song....how could I???

Gossip - Perfect World

Some songs are scared for life due to memories...like this next one. My ex-wife introduced it into my life at the height of our upcoming divorce.

I don´t think I ever played the original but this version...she would probably hate it so I have to love it. And it´s a nice build-up to tonight's final.

Dash Berlin - Jar of Hearts

Let´s stick with hearts, exes, and Christina and what do you get: a Black Heart, omg I am so not funny trying to bridge these songs.

Still, this is a nice bridge and I am not too big on trance by Christina KEEPS IMPRESSING ME... If there is something such as Quality Trance this would be it!

Christina Novelli - Black Heart

Now I can understand these lyrics and they are nothing special, but this melody and voice just rocks. It pumps and this guy DER MIT DER TIEFEN STIMM just balances out nicely all those little girl voices I have throwing around tonight.

Alexander Eder - Fur Diesn Moment


I was closing down this trip and looking up some details and all of a sudden this song popped up and said: "I Want to Be The Encore". Now the audio can use some improvement but it did have that X factor that I am looking for.

Framework - Eye Of The Past

Youtube Playlist.

All these gems were added to this week´s YouTube playlist.

All Midnight Gems Playlist can be found here

Spotify Playlist:

The Spotify playlist might not capture the whole show but is meant to represent it as well as Spotify makes it possible:

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Riddle Me This

Guess What, [@whywhy/solve-the-riddle-and-win-a-dollar1-up-vote-ttt-week-51-hells-bells-that-is-easy) has been solved.

What the fluff is Midnight Gems?

Somewhere lost in time, trying to escape out of the rabbit hole back into the rat race there is a vacuum..... that´s the place where midnight gems are found.

My Midnight Gems will try to uncover & recover those beautiful songs that nobody ever noticed or might have been forgotten.

Who the fluff am I?

Being a former DJ playing about everything and having an uncompleted study of radio journalism. I have been wanting to do this for years...Thought about it many nights and guess now it´s time to finally take it to the streets.

Hope you enjoyed this well-known wave of fantastic music and that you still feel like joining me on the next Midnight Gems Session coming soon.

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@beeber @mypathtofire

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