π‘»π’“π’šπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝑻𝒐 π‘Ήπ’†π’Žπ’†π’Žπ’ƒπ’†π’“ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 90𝒔 - It Got A Bit Out Of Hand (Make Shitting In The Gutter Great Again)

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Thank God itΒ΄s Friday!

Last WeekΒ΄s post was all about TA and I did not do a technical analysis:
π‘»π’“π’šπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝑻𝒐 π‘Ήπ’†π’Žπ’†π’Žπ’ƒπ’†π’“ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 90𝒔 - We Moved From All About The Boobs To All About The Base

Hence itΒ΄s time for something more serious. Well me & serious, you should not take that too seriously.

In a previous 90s post, I called the parents that raised their kids after the nineties pussy parents.

I still stand behind that remark, but today I will go even further.

I will go so far that I might experience something that did not exist in the Nineties, I might actually get canceled.

I am A Fucking Liberal

There you go I said it, I said the F word.
I even said it in a header.
In the Nineties, nobody would notice. We would consider swearing a way to express emotions.

Today I am sure some readers were slightly shocked by my use of foul language. If that is the case, stop reading, I am trying to make a point today.

The point is that things got out of hand since 1999, and that means I might be a bit more obscene than normal.

I think the current society needs a little shock therapy.

What is this world coming to when Kids are not allowed to play outside unsupervised and therefore condemned to being on their phones 24/7? And people that call themselves Liberal, are anything but Liberal.

The Nineties Liberal

I was Liberal in 1999 and I am even more Liberal now.

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The thing is that the word Liberal got hijacked by people who did not like the word lefties (because of its commie resonance), especially in the US.

US Liberals are no commies, and they certainly are not Liberal at all in my Liberal opinion.

I am Liberal, a Classic Nineties Liberal.

A Classic Liberal believes in personal freedoms such as freedom of speech, and religion.

They see a minimal role of government in people's lives and the protection of private property is essential to personal freedom and economic prosperity.

Classical liberals emphasize the importance of a legal framework that protects individual rights and property and it applies equally to all citizens.

I am Okay YouΒ΄re Okay

Can we please go back to the age of I am Okay, YouΒ΄re Okay? Because who gave you consent to determine what is okay for me?

I am okay with you doing it with a boy or a girl as long as there is some form of mutual consent.

Not the written You Can Have Sex With Me contracts everyone is carrying around today.... oh wait no that is after President Kamela.

I even am fine if you have sex with animals if they give their consent, just be careful while doing it with ants and elephants.

Oops, another joke that is really not done anymore because animal rights activists are lurking behind every street corner.

They used to be heroes fighting against whale hunters on Greenpeace boats. I made my parents support those guys.

Welcome To the Circus

Nowadays I am not even allowed to take my kids to the circus anymore, well at least not the one with tigers, lions, and again those large ass elephants (can I still say large ass elephants?).

It truly is a psycho circus, yes I get it animals have rights...at least till we eat them.

But for 90s kids, the circus used to be the only way to get exposed to exotic animals. Unless there was a Zoo nearby and your parents could afford it.

I would expect most kids nowadays to only know elephants from TikTok. And I am sure that I would not have donated to Safe the Elephants if I would not have seen them in the circus as a kid.

By the way, getting back to sex & animals. Has anyone ever truly seen elephants fuck?

I donΒ΄t want to get in bed with that tbh that is why I call them large ass and warned you to better not have the S-word with them.

Make Shitting In The Gutter Great Again

Yup, Public awareness of animal rights is huge, and that is not even the worst.

Back in the Nineties in the Netherlands, you could have your dog poo on the street, as long as it was not on the sidewalk. I remember those awesome tiles with a shitting dog.

Hond In De Goot Dank U - Dog In The Gutter Thank You


Nobody got fined for having their dog poo on the sidewalk, but the decent thing to do was the gutter.

Nowadays I have to pay $500 if they catch my dog pooing in public......and me not putting that nasty pile of stink in a flimsy plastic bag.

And now in Spain they even introduced the fact that I need to carry a flask of water with bleach to dilute my dogΒ΄s pee:


I am not kidding this shit pee ainΒ΄t cheap either.

This Pis Legislation came into play due to neighborhoods complaining about the smell. How, why after thousands of years all of a sudden people stand up against dog pis? What happened, what changed?

Where are the days that I could let my dog out by opening the door, oh I remember they are back in the Nineties. Back when you could just open the door and let your dog or your kids out to do their business.

Growing up unsupervised

We, kids, went outside unsupervised, without a mobile phone, and you know what most of us survived. We had absolute freedom, no parental supervision whatsoever.

We played with fireworks, BB guns, we built huts and treehouses. We entered abandoned buildings.

If I would do that nowadays in the US I would get Child Services on my ass. Now these guys do good work but things just went a little too far...or maybe a lot.

California: There are no specific laws about leaving children unsupervised at home or in public, but child neglect laws could be interpreted to apply if something happens to the child as a result of being left unsupervised.

Illinois: Illinois has one of the strictest laws, which states that children under 14 cannot be left unsupervised for an "unreasonable" amount of time.

Maryland: Children under 8 cannot be left alone in a building, car, or yard without a reliable person over 13 watching them.

Parents found to have left their children unsupervised in unsafe situations can face charges of child neglect or endangerment, which can carry penalties including fines, probation, or even imprisonment in extreme cases.

give me a break

Again yes there are certainly parents that go overboard leaving young children alone too long, but these laws can and will be used against you in a court of law.

My brother and I were left alone for an hour or two when I was like ten, Grandma lived up the street and we knew our neighbors, nothing happened and we learned to take care of our own.

This helicoptering parents and child services do now, it just takes away all the fun of being young.

DonΒ΄t Look Back In Anger

And just look where it is leading.

You give in to a little and then a little more.

Soon they are on your doorstep, putting their foot between the door and wanting to convince you that itΒ΄s normal to be a guy in a dress in high school identifying as he, she, and it while demanding free tampons.

It Got Out Of Hand Or I Got Boomerish

I donΒ΄t look back in anger and boomerish frustration. I am not saying everything was better in the nineties, but it has gone too far, when is enough enough?

When can I have my dog shit in the gutter again?
When can I pick up my unsupervised kid from the playground and take him to the circus to see an elephant?

And when can I stop explaining to my kid that those purple-haired, rainbow-colored, screamoΒ΄s in a dress, are the result of too much information fed through screens, too much choice, too much parental supervision, and too little parental love causing self-blame and projecting that on others due to a warped sense of reality?

To be honest that is not how I explain that last part.

I tell my kid that these are humans that identify as unicorns because they did not play outside unsupervised like you do.

ThatΒ΄s why they still think that unicorns do exist and you live in the real world.

The End

Okay, I just got started, but as you have the attention span of an ant I will break this story up into two chapters.

By the way, have you ever seen ants fuck (yes he wrote fuck again)?

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

#NinetiesFriday was brought to you by


WTF do I do on #NinetiesFriday?

Well, don't do what I do because I just stole the below as it is good enough for copy/pasta!

But some ideas are music, movies, television, sports, or really anything Nineties related.

I assume movie, tv, or music topic reviews or talk will be most common, but you could also talk about a sports memory or something else.

Think the Pop Culture of the times, but it would be great to hear about little known and interesting bands or entertainment items. Don’t forget to use tag #NinetiesFriday

@geneeverett will give 3 basic income units to a winning random post every week that uses the #NinetiesFriday tag. Also @thebighigg has jumped in to match for 6 total weekly prizes! If anyone else wants to sponsor with 1 unit let me know or just send if you don’t wanna commit to weekly πŸ‘

All images by MyI and AI except for the stolen #NinetiesFriday image of course.

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