Message of Perseverance!!!


When I was very young, I was determined to get rich, have wonderful kids and have a husband who will love me forever, of course with the addition that he must be wealthy. It doesn't mean I would only focus on a man who has made it in life, only for me to come over and enjoy. Who doesn't want such a ready-made wealth as a lady? One you don't have to suffer before you enjoy.

Everyone wishes that but sometimes, we are made to understand that being with a man who began from scratch and staying with him till both of you make it is better than having him struggle to make it then all you have to do is to be where he would see you and then both of you tie the knot. But in most cases, when misunderstandings happen, he will use that to insult you especially when you come from a poor home.

This is why it is also necessary as a lady to be independent and work for your money so that a man would not disgrace you, a statement my mom would always emphasised on every time.

In all of these, I believe the mindset is what matters here. A man can have it all, finds you and enjoy with him and forever will love and respect you and there is another man who would not value your existence but only kicks you off anytime he has the chance, and all the world would say is that you married him for his money.

The truth is, no one wants to be poor as an individual and partners wants to have their money where they can live the life they want and stay at peace with themselves and others. To be rich is a good thing but one has to work for it. There has never been a shortcut to being wealthy, even the so-called 'money ritual' has a lot to offer. If it's easy, then won't we see these herbalists working the same for themselves?

This brought me to this song that has been out for a while now and was sung by a popular Nigerian artist, Kiss Daniel, titled "RTID". RTID means "Rich Till I Die." This is a song with a message of determination and perseverance which is inspiring and sends the right message from the singer who has determined to be rich till he dies.

I have listened to this song many times and I fell in love with the rhythm and even got the message. Just yesterday, I was enjoying myself with some music on my Spotify and this song popped up again, I said, "Oh, this song again". I can't remember the last time I listened to it and even forgot any of such existed until yesterday, then I smiled while paying attention to the wording of the lyrics.

What came out of my mouth afterwards was, "I do want to be rich" It has been my wish and desire to live the best of life while providing a quality life for my unborn children. I want them to enjoy the good things in life. Let's leave those for now since it would take time for them to arrive, what about me? Don't I want a good life too? I do. You do, too. Everyone wants to.

The first part of the song describes what is very common in life. A life where someone would suffer on earth with challenges, obstacles, and poverty but when he or she dies, will go to heaven to enjoy. This only happens when your deeds are good while on earth and you serve God wholeheartedly without being biased while on earth. Also, in this life, we have those who enjoy here on earth, commit atrocities, live a bad life and in the end suffer in heaven. As the song says "This thing dey happen happen to anyone" meaning it can happen to anyone.

There is no one left behind in such a situation as it can happen to you, me or anyone without discriminating. Life is to be enjoyed, but one has to go through the right means and with perseverance knowing that things will surely click well if we do it right.

Everyone would raise their hands if asked who wants to be rich. But not everyone wants to follow the right process because they aren't patient and are in a haste to get rich so they can enjoy life as quickly as possible.


The road to being rich is always tough, rough and risky but it takes a heart that perseveres and is determined to go through it. If you are determined to be rich till you die, there is nothing to stop you from doing it right and being proud of yourself when the wealth eventually comes than for you to start regretting your ways and never enjoy your effort.

Then as the song continues, we are made to remember that while we are chasing after becoming rich and wanting to live a good life, we must focus on the important thing, creating memories because tomorrow is not promised. As we are fighting hard to succeed, death can come and take us away, especially on the verge of achieving it. Let's only keep the things we need, things we can always be remembered for and also not forget that our integrity matters and the good legacy we would leave behind.

Love as much as you can. Stay humble as much as you can and never forget that while working hard to be rich, we should maintain our reputation and build quality connections and friendships with people. We don't know what tomorrow has for us.

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