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Tanti Anni Prima by Astor Piazzolla, a composition that brings peace...


A few days ago, I was invited to a concert by a fellow pianist and his friend, a violinist. I also know the violinist, and they are both very good at performing. When two are good and play together, then the concert has to be excellent! Of course, I was there, in the second row in the auditorium. Concerts nowadays should not be missed, a normal thing has become a rarity. The program they performed was also a little different than usual. Although both performers of classical music, they played Astor Piazzola's compositions all evening. Many tango pieces, but not those for dancing. Those are compositions of phantasy and written for a completely different purpose. To be performed in small concert halls. Some played compositions required a high level of virtuosity, with well-marked rhythmical features. However, there was one outstanding piece we fell in love with. We - my son and I, as he was with me there. That one was exceptional because it brought a different ambient to the whole concert hall and all of us, listeners. Peace and passion, tenderness and longing... A story told with those notes, but up to each one to interpret it in own imagination. It was a piece called Ave Maria.

The concert finished, the impressions were so nice... we congratulated our colleagues and mentioned the piece we liked the most and talked a bit about that one. My son will learn to play it! We have now the scores, and maybe, but just maybe, if one day it will be well-practiced and ready to be performed, we could record it. However, peace of mind above all, I don't want to hurry him and myself, it will be ready one day, but I don't want to miss to moment to share this impression we got from the concert and that beautiful work, Ave Maria. Well, in original it was not called that. The title was Tanti Anni Prima but it was changed later. Maybe because it brings peace, like a prayer? Or has a meditative feeling too? We could agree that the title is less important now, but there is one thing not to be missed when I want to bring you closer to this composition. Where it appeared...


Like a paradox, this peaceful music appeared in a movie where the main character is a deranged person. The insanity of the man, who fell from a horse and after that he lived under the fantasy that he is Emperor Henry IV... I haven't watched the film, but according to the synopsis that I read, after twelve years the man who thought himself to be the emperor regains his sanity. However, he decides to pretend not to have regained it. Intriguing, why did he decide to stay behind the mask? Anyway, if the style of the movie is not at someone's liking, one can opt for reading the story, as the film is based on a drama written by Sicilian writer Luigi Pirandello in 1921. The original title of the movie is Enrico IV and was filmed in 1984. Directed by Marco Bellocchio, music written by Astor Pizzolla, and the main actors were Marcello Mastroianni and Claudia Cardinale. At the moment I stay just with the music and the story behind the character and his delusion or pretending.

As I have listened in the mentioned concert to the performance of this composition by piano and violin, I am bringing here an interpretation by those two instruments. Also, just a paragraph earlier, you might already listen to the performance from a cellist Yoed Nir. Both string instruments, shaping beautifully the sound. I can not decide which one I like more, the cello or the violin sound in this case...

After my indecision, whether the cello or the violin is more suitable for this composition, and bringing them both to my post, I found out the original was written for oboe!! That instrument that both brings and takes away the insanity! So let us listen to Tanti Anni Prima in the performance of this oboist, Ramon Thiago, but also from the trumpet player, Carlos Manuel Zabala. Wind instruments on the stage, I think they also represent well this piece! Do you like more the oboe or the trumpet? I have to admit the video production of the trumpet player is a lot nicer, but the oboist also did a pleasant job with his playing.

If you are still here, dear reader (s), and still enjoy this music, let me mention one more thing. There is one new feature in my post, a nice divider I got from Edje, as I guessed correctly what his video represented. So, thank you so much for this new feature that will decorate, or divide my posts :)) The cover photo represents one painting that I saw in the same center where the concert of my friends was held. The painter is Manuela Gómez Román and the title is Entre dos gotas (Between Two Drops). I found it calm and peaceful, just perfect for featuring this piece Tanti Anni Prima by Piazzolla, and the text divider! My favorite colors were painted on that canvas, it really couldn't miss from here!
