I Need To Free My Mind

Today's experience Inspired this song. I Was so tensed by things around me and how everyone was upset about everything. It is true when people speak about the fact that life is not always going to give you what you want, we must learn to accept it and take control over it, if not the problem might take control over us.


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
If I was asked what happened that made me and everyone so bad and feel troubled, it is the situation of the country that is giving us mental problems. I hate thinking about the negative effects this country has had on me. Sometimes I feel like I want to give up but I can't because even those that give tend to suffer more than the hard workers. This might sound strange but it is the truth. We tend to rest only in old age.

I won't say I am too experienced to talk about situations around me, because no matter how much or how far I look at it, there are people who tend to struggle more than me the same way there are countries that are struggling than us.

Yesterday while I was coming back from work, this man was groaning in pain because he could not afford medical bills to pay up his money so he decided to cause a scene on the road and there was heavy traffic, I would have loved to snap this scene but I won't want to use another person pain to gain person credit. This is how the situation of everyone is, mere looking at this man's face I felt his pain and my heart was pounding fast. After leaving there again I saw a woman and her child begging for arms to feed herself and her child, the woman was so thin that she hadn't eaten for a long, and I had to sacrifice my transportation fare to give her if she could buy something and her kid. This is just a tip of what is going on. After I got to work today I discussed this with my colleagues and we talked about a whole lot of problems that could not be written finish.

Photo by Julian Jagtenberg from Pexels

This thought were just bothering my mind and I felt like I could do anything to solve all this problem. But the truth is there was nothing I could do, all I needed to do was to free my mind and adapt myself to the positive things around me. Then I decided to play some songs until I stumbled on this special song sung by Tems, which I played for 3 hours repeatedly, to reflect on a lot of things happening around me.

To be be free of the mind means to be free from the troubles that bother our mind and set aside anything that may bother or cause distractions to us.

My greatest solution to this problem will be to get rich and work harder as much as possible to help the less privileged and people in pain. I know this can sound funny, but if it was asked what my greatest dream would be, I won't hesitate to say this.

Thanks to Hive, everything has been made easy for me, whereby I don't need to struggle to get my daily earnings and save up, except if I want to go and work extra credits.

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