Two Songs, Two Thoughts, One Emotion


There are songs I can't sing no matter how easy they seem for me or how melodious they are to my ears... The reason for that is what I wish I didn't have, I wish I could sing just any song I come across and fall in love with, like one of the songs I'll be featuring in this post.

I tend to let my life play randomly in my head when I sing songs even unconsciously and that is because I feel music is life itself. Musicians (song composers) most times if not all the time, write songs from their personal life experiences or from another they witnessed.

I want to sing every good music and enjoy it as it was provided for that but some part of my life story won't let me... Read on, you'll be cleared on what I'm trying to share soon.

Do listen to this song before you read what I'm about to share

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I had known this song for more than a year now but I felt emotional and almost cried again when I listened to it a few minutes ago, that is simply because it is one of those songs I love so much but can't sing with my mouth. Not that I don't know the words and it's technicalities but simply because the words don't connect with my life story.

Many would find this song so beautiful to sing along and many won't

I'm one of those who wouldn't sing along because I feel like I'm lying to myself and taking it to the extreme. The song is about a daughter singing proudly about her parents love, wishing to have a love like theirs.

Obviously, the parents portrayed a blissful love to their daughter

Is it same for others? Not at all, I'm not regretting being born to my parents, in fact I'm more than grateful they are my parents but then I wish I would be blessed more with this kind of story to tell. Having parents who love themselves enough, live together in harmony and fight through challenges together... It all feels like a luxurious wish to me.

This song makes me feel like I missed out on a lot of love shared between parents and child. So I simply can't sing along without shedding tears or feeling hurt.. What do you think about this?

I want to believe you listened to the song... That way, you could have more to share with me 🥺

But then... This song kind off ease me off of that feeling

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I only recently heard this song and I find solace in it for feeling like the most unlucky kid who didn't get enough of her parents love while growing up. Listening to the song also gave me the feeling that I'm only giving my heart an excuse to not feel burdened by what my childhood was like but I'm choosing to look at the bright side of everything regarding my parents and their early separation.

I don't know much about parents living together and fighting challenges with love and fights sometimes but I've always envied those who grew up to experience such. The song gives off the vibe of a child accepting that her parents aren't "Heroes" so they will always make mistakes or cause a regret and that is where forgiving to becoming strong comes in.

It's not a good feeling but my gratefulness to them for having me as their child is much more stronger. So tell me, what do you think about these emotions?

NB: I intentionally don't have these two songs on my playlist

Image is mine and designed here

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