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The melody of the voice, the sound of music

I don't know if the title relates totally with what I'm about to write on but that was the best I could come up with, pardon me (Just a writer who thought of sharing something she found out about music).


Have you ever being in a place where you hear someone singing and you find yourself walking towards the place to listen clearly?

Or have you heard someone play a music and it seem to just be the right kind of music you want to hear?

I am one who reacts to every sound of music I hear whether it's played by myself or someone else. Whether it's from a far distance or close by, I just want to hear the melody of the voice and the sound of music.

Here's a short story about my neighbour...

I remember sometime ago, ma'am Mipiano (Don't wanna tag, hehe) organized a challenge to know the neighbours point of view in music and I didn't fail to share how amazing my old neighbours were.

I also stated in that post that my family moved recently so I was yet to get acquainted with my new neighbours. But it's been almost five months since moved to our new place and I've gotten to know just one of our neighbours (well, not so closely).

What brought us together? Can you guess?


Yes! Music - The melody of the voice and the sound of music. My neighbour (A mother living with her family) is a really good singer and she sure do know a good music when she listens to one.

My siblings and I love to sing a lot especially when it's dark outside, we sit at the corridor and release the peace that comes with music around.... We just enjoy singing so much that we don't see it as a disturb to our neighbours when it's very late already.

This act drew our neighbour out of her room one night (I mean it was really late, but she came outside!) Music has that much attraction and only music lovers can connect with it. Our neighbour walked closely to us, waited for us to get to the end of the particular song we were singing.

We got a little shy but didn't stop singing, at the end of the song... Our neighbour was like "Oh my! I found you guys, and I love your voices". Even I was wondering if she had been looking for us before when we've never known each other before 😂 then she said something...

I've been looking for who will teach me how to sing and you are just the perfect ones to teach me since we live close to each other, what do you think?

We felt both honoured and surprised to fe such an enthusiasm from someone about music... It was so refreshing (You know the feeling, right?).


But we didn't know something about our neighbour until few days later. On a sunny afternoon, I heard a voice from our window. It wasn't so loud but the melody was there, the music was so soothing... I thought immediately that I've heard another someone who has an angelic voice.

I called my siblings to listen to the voice too and after confirming, we were surprised to know that it was our neighbour that was singing that amazingly.

What else does she wants to learn about singing? 😂 We asked ourselves.

Well, learning music like every other kind of learning never ends and she is like that, she wants to improve and sing even better with her gifted voice.

We agreed to meet on Sundays to do some musical practicals with our voices but we're yet to start, I really do hope we are able to come together as not just neighbours but music lovers 🥰 I'm excited about it.

So what do you think? Do you relate with this situation... Getting acquainted with a musical mate in your neighbourhood? It's new for me but I love the dynamics and adventure that may come with it already.
