Letting Music Win || My Music Role Model - Jhud


I was searching for songs to select one for my open mic entry and I came across a song by this woman who I have always loved and wanted to be like in the music world, she's just a perfect example of "let music guide you" and I've come to love all her songs.

This woman was criticized years ago when she was just in her early twenties, she was said not to have the voice to win... She cried her eyes when she let those words get to her.

Today, she is among the great musicians who has won so many awards that not many has been able to win... This didn't happen because she gave up after crying her eyes out, it happened because she took it upon herself to sing better.


Jennifer Hudson, nickname Jhud must be the one singer who will always win my heart over and over with her voice as she seem to be just that to me... A great singer with no flaws!!!

Her story in the past makes her even more unique and that makes her stand out for me. She was raised by her grandmother who had so much passion for music but never had the opportunity to show it to the world...

You can imagine how much happiness Jennifer feels about her music life as it is like she's making her grandmother so proud in heaven. I saw on her Instagram page where she posted her grandma and shoeing gratitude for everything... It got me emotional.

Jhud has sang in so many places from her young age, she's 40 and still singing but more beautifully and professional.


I guess a lot of musicians know how to play one or two instruments, Jhud is no different... She's good with the piano and because of that, I'm thinking out a way to learn how to play piano and hopefully improve my voice with it. Maybe Ma'am Mipiano will share in guiding me through when I'm ready 😅 I'd appreciate that.

Back to my role model in music, Jhud who was labeled by an audition judge to be a little less bad singer... She's become a judge at "The Voice" if you know about this project, you'd say she has become the direct opposite of what the judge said about her in the past.

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Here is a video of her doing a free style at "The Voice" people love her voice and I'm always amazed at the way she sings in high ranges without stress, she's a music lover indeed.

The first time I got to know this amazing singer was in the movie she starred in titled "Dreamgirls" as a powerful singer who was replaced because of her body figure... Even though it isn't about her voice, I felt that the movie also tried to talk about her past and how her voice was underrated.

Jhud won the Oscar winning actress after this movie and a song she sang in the movie still rings melodiously in my head... "And I am telling you I'm not going"

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Her powerful voice in this song is amazing! I actually tried singing the song like her and I feel like I'll need so much work to sound a little like her in the song 😅 but I will though, I plan to sing it on the Hive Open Mic some day, it's on my bucket list.

I don't know if I'll ever meet her in reality but I hope that one day I'll be able to sing so powerfully like her and be proud to say to everyone that she's my role model and people will be like "Yeah, that's so true from the way you sing" 😊

Music is more than just singing, every song has it's own story and every musician has a story to tell... Jhud has an amazing story behind her singing passion.

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I'll leave this song she sang that I recently learnt about, I'll be learning how to sing it too. It's a song from about 13 years ago, an old but gold official release and her voice was powerful in it too as always.

Maybe @ablaze would be interested to know about this beautiful and amazing singer, I shared three of her awesome performance and I hope you find her interesting to listen to her songs too 😊

It feels so good talking about my favourite artist, can't wait to start singing more like her... It may take time but I will.


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