Would you stand by me?

Once again, I find myself listening to timeless melodies of the 1960s and this time, it's one of Ben E. King's legendary classics titled, "Stand By Me.” This song has been in my Spotify playlist for some months and today was one of those days I played it over and over again. Stand by Me is more than just a song, it's a lifeline thrown across time. Released decades ago, its lyrics still resonate deeply in today's fast-paced world, offering a nostalgic trip down the memories of my childhood

Back then, friendship seemed more real and intentional, often forged in childhood adventures. However, what we have today paints a different picture; a world that often feels isolating and individualistic, kinda makes you wonder what went wrong over the years. A lot of friendships these days are now built on the benefits you bring and when your so-called friends no longer get the same benefits they used to get from you, they cut you off. We have all heard cases of friends killing each other simply out of jealousy or envy, which makes you wonder if it's still worth it to have friends these days

But of course, it's still worth it to have friends, because, despite all the negative experiences we must have had with fairweather friends, there are still a precious few who have proven themselves again and again. Those who will walk beside us, offer a shoulder to cry on, and celebrate our victories like their own with no ulterior motives. The type of friends that will defend you even in your absence, not just buttering you up when you're around and saying nasty things behind your back.

This kind of friendship isn't a guarantee against life’s hardships. Storms will still rage and mountains will still loom but with a trustworthy friend by your side, you know you can weather any storm and climb any mountain. As Martha Goedert wisely put it, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” You can interpret this in many ways but to me, I see it as saying that you can go very far in any journey when you have a loyal friend by your side. They'll be your rock, your anchor, your reminder that even the darkest night eventually gives way to dawn.

Now, do you have this type of friends? But before you answer that, are you this type of friend? I have been talking about having good friends but I think it's time I bring it home; are you a good friend? Are you a person who others can say would stand by them in good and bad times? It might look like it's a big task probably because of the way I'm talking about it but it's indeed very simple to embody the spirit of standing by others. It can be as simple as offering a listening ear, providing a helping hand or just being present.

You would be surprised by how many benefits you can provide by just being a good listener because humans today have very low attention spans, there are a lot of distractions all around us and social media is not even helping matters. In a society that sometimes undervalues the essence of genuine connection, becoming the friend we wish to have might just be a simple way of making the world a better place.

So, cheers to those friends who stand by us, not just when the times are good, but when the road gets rough. They're the ones who make the journey sweeter and the laughter brighter. They make us believe that, together, we can weather any storm because in the end, that's what friendship is all about: standing by each other, through thick and thin, until the end of time. And lastly, cheers to us for being a good and loyal friend.

Thanks for reading

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