Living young, wild and free

One thing I love about Spotify is that sometimes you come across songs you haven't heard for a very long time and which triggers a lot of memories. The song I heard today which I haven't heard for a very long time is Young, Wild and Free by Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg and Bruno Mars. This song was released way back in 2011 but I only found out about it a couple of years later, then I was still in high school.

The video itself is probably what made me love the song even more because it portrayed this carefree life with young people also in high school like me having so much fun. The main thing is that the high school in that music video was a lot different from what I was experiencing then, it had the same vibes as an average American college, so I was looking forward to getting into the university and experiencing that type of life.

My first year was fun, I barely went to classes and rather explored around the campus with my friends. I played silly planks, partied, got drunk and regretted it (it was very bad), and even tried smoking a cigarette out of curiosity, and I still don't understand what people see in it. I mean, I can understand smoking cigarettes in a temperate country just to stay warm, but smoking in an African weather of over 35 °C is just crazy.

I never tried smoking weed, even though the beginning of the song said "So what we smoke weed," and they were lots of weed smoking in the video (I mean it's Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg after all). They said it's fun and they actually made it look fun but that's not my type of fun. My first year in the university was actually very fun, I was truly young, wild and most importantly, free. Things changed in the second year and I started taking my studies seriously. It was very stressful and it kept getting worse as I went higher.

I heard that song earlier today and I became lost in my own thoughts as I reminisced my younger years. Before I even got into the university, I was always out with my friends. I woke up in the morning, took my bath, had breakfast and then headed out to hang out with friends. We played silly games, cracked jokes, and enjoyed each other company till evening, then I headed back home and repeated the whole thing the next day. I had no worries in the world and truly enjoyed being outdoors. But now, I can't even catch a break because I'm always indoors fighting for my future.

Adulthood is no fun, I have so many responsibilities and I am always thinking about the future. The crazy part is that I'm not even 30 yet, I still have a couple of years before that happens and I just keep wondering when it will get better. I loved this song many years ago just for the beats and video, but now it has a new meaning. being young, wild and free doesn't have to fade with age. We can always find ways to inject a bit of wildness into our everyday lives.

I guess the main idea is to be spontaneous but unfortunately, I have lost that spontaneity as reality set in and I realized there's a lot at stake. It's funny how I always looked forward to being independent when I was younger, it meant I would be free from my parents and I got a taste of it when I got into the university. Now, I have gotten the independence I wanted but it isn't what I expected. Yes, I am free from my parents but now imprisoned by responsibility, it's starting to feel like I switched prisons

I miss my younger years but at least I have lots of fun memories to look back to. I sometimes still do silly things just to remind myself of those years, I relax and try to free my mind from all the worries in there but that's easier said than done. Maybe I will pick a day one of these days to truly go wild with friends, maybe get drunk once again (even though I still get PTSD when I look at liquor) but I know it will never be the same as many years ago. So, what about you, do you miss your younger years?

Thanks for reading

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