Writing Music and The Process I Go Through When I Do


For as long as I have known myself, I have always loved writing, I wasn’t the most expressive child but, when I held a book and a pen, it was an outlet that I could use to share my thoughts and everything I couldn’t say in person.

My passion for writing was so clear that even when I was younger, all my teachers in school advised me to chase a career in literature and even though I couldn’t, that part stuck with me.

Most days when I am going through something or I need to clear my mind, I start writing and it always helps.

A while ago, my passion for writing kind of merged with my passion for music, I was curious about writing songs and even though, the idea scared me, I decided to chase it and write I did.

In a space of one month, I wrote over 10 songs, but there was one problem, I didn’t feel like they were good enough which is pretty normal for me due to the fact that I deleted my first book because of this.

I remembered during this process what I knew before which was that I was my worse critic, but this didn’t help me and I deleted all the songs that I had written.

I continued in this process of writing and deleting until something happened and that helped me write and keep a song.



Well, if you are curious about what helped my musical writing process then, you are in the right place.

As sad as this is, the thing that helped me was a breakup, I was in a relationship for a few months and after we broke up, I was broken to be honest.

This breakup affected a lot of things in my life including my content on hive but, it also help me write a song or actually sing a song which is dear to me.

As someone who loves deeply, having my heart shattered made me want to express myself and I did through this song, I’ll be sharing a few lines below;

A fool for love
I thought that I would be a fool for you but fools get played.
I thought that I will run the world with you but I guess I’m not so fast.
I thought you would stay but you packed your things and left.
I thought that I would be a fool for you, I guess I’m still the fool...


I know this song or these lines aren’t anything spectacular but, they are pretty special to me and I am glad I could express myself through this means.

Hopefully, I get to write more songs and maybe one day, I’ll be brave enough to sing one.


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