Are My Dreams Still Achievable?

When I was younger I had so many dreams that I wanted to achieve, I didn’t exactly understand anything in life but, I knew that if I put my heart to it, then I could do it and while, this might have been true, sometimes life doesn’t give you what you expect.


At a very early age, I got to understand that I wasn’t as privileged as most children were in my class; yes, my mother struggled to put me in the best schools but, that didn’t change what was a fact, and it kind of influenced every decision I had to make.

I quickly realized that even though my passion was music and writing due to my father, I couldn’t afford to chase that as a career because “how would I survive in a third world country with barely enough jobs for even careers that are considered important”.

I remember having a conversation with my mother when it got to the time to choose between science or art and she told me that it was advisable for me to choose science and become a doctor because that was more “valuable”.

I wouldn’t blame her though, she knew the reality of things at the time and she wanted what was best for me.

I proceeded in doing a science course and I moved around testing the waters in different departments but, it never felt right.


Recently, I have been having a bit of a life crisis, I am turning 24 in a few days and it has made me realize that I have no purpose.

I spent a few years after school trying different jobs which I always quit after a few months, and truth be told, the longest job I have done since graduation is hive.

While I am lucky to be chasing my passion for writing here on hive and a bit of music, I can’t help but wonder if I could do more concerning music.

I have always loved music; enough to want a career in it and since my dad used to have a band, it makes me feel like I could have a bond with him through it.

The thought has been coming recently to try to chase that dream; after all, if I fail, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.



While I would have loved it to be easy to chase a career in music, it isn’t, so if I would want to go in that direction, well, it will take a lot of planning which I am willing to put.

If you are curious about what my plans are, then here it is;

•My first line of duty is to start training my voice, I recently spoke to my brother about it and he is willing to help me, while I also get to use materials online.

•Learning and writing music: I feel like I have a lot of learning to do because I don’t know a lot about music; melodies and the rest so, I’ll take time doing that, also, I will put more effort into writing songs which I used to do.

•Dealing with my stage fright: I don’t think musicians should have stage fright, so I will have to deal with this one way or another.

•Volunteering for gigs: since I am trying to grow, I feel like the experience is needed, so, I will be volunteering to sing at parties, birthdays, etc. This is scary to me though, so who knows if I can do this.

•Get a stable job: while I would love to just chase my dreams, I need finances to do this and that can be achieved by getting a job while I plan.

•Finally, Auditioning for a music competition: if I succeed with all these, I think the final thing would be testing my skills in front of an audience.

There are a lot of music competitions in Nigeria, so I guess I should be able to go for one by next year if all things work out, and maybe, I might win and things might change.


I recently came across a song by Sheryn Regis titled “follow your dreams” and it had been motivational for me.

I don’t know how achievable this dream is or if I can even achieve it, but, I wouldn’t want to live life with regrets about what I did or didn’t do.


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