Hey Bully!

A lot of things have been going through my head since the day I watched the AIRawabi School for Girls season 1 and 2. I have seen so many high school movies that highlight bullying but never have I seen a movie that depicts bullying in its raw state.

As a viewer, you just can't help but feel really sorry for the girls that were being bullied and if you are a softie like me you might just end up crying.

Both series ended on a sad note and I was forced to read more about them online. While surfing through the net and looking for answers I stumbled on Hey Bully by Morgan Frazier which was released in 2013.

I listened to this song over and over again and I kept wondering how the lyrics of this song could be so true, how it conveys everything people who are being bullied go through. I concluded that the songwriter might have been bullied as a child as the emotions in the song were so real and after listening to the song I couldn’t help but feel a certain way.

I did a quick research about her and I discovered that she was indeed bullied when she was a child. In one of her interviews, she said her mum had moved her from a public school to be home-schooled, this shows the gravity of the bullying she had experienced back then.

According to Morgan in one of her interviews, she was of the opinion that bullying used to be an 8 to 4 thing back then, as children experienced bullying more in school than in any other place but right now it is a different story all thanks to technology as bullying now happens round the clock.

It's disheartening to see people bully other people. Like how do you just wake up one morning and your agenda that day is to be mean to another person?

I have heard people say shit about me countless times but I have never been bullied before as I always stand up for myself but I have seen people being bullied and getting bullied over and again is not funny, as with every episode you hate yourself more and question your existence.

In Hey Bully Morgan highlights what people who are being bullied go through. There are so many people out there who are trying to hide their insecurities and the best way is to be mean to other people.

Did someone hurt you,
Make you feel small

Just like I always tell people, The world is tough as is it, do not be the reason why another person feels bad about themselves or second guess themselves, do not be the cause of another person's pain. A lot of people use "I am Joking" as an avenue to dish out nasty things to people.

Over here the trend is to mess around in the comment sections of people's posts. A user posts a picture or a video, and the majority of the comments would be about people spotting one mistake or the other of the user, you see people making some nasty comments and the other set of people laugh at these comments and cheer these sets of bullies on, You can imagine how the user feels.

People need to understand that we all don’t have thick skins, what the next person would probably laugh at could be the reason another person breaks down. Words do hurt more than anything, and the more people get to understand this the more we all can live peacefully in this world.

Morgan who was a victim of bullying did not hold back as she let it all out from the victim's point of view. The song is more of a letter addressing "BULLIES".

This song inspires me in so many ways. It gives an sight of what people who are bullied go through and it also gives me a thousand reasons why I must continue to stand up for these victims as it takes nothing from me.

Listening to this song I am utterly grateful for being able to speak up for myself, not being a coward, and not letting people bully me.

Hey Bully
If you are looking for what to listen to, I recommend you listen to this song.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

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