What's The Future Of Music Production?


Hello friends of hive, how are you all doing today. Briefly I shall be talking about a topic which says what is the future of music production... Music, we all know what it is that it's a rythme played either by producing a sound with your mouth through the vocal cavity or using the musical instrument.. music has different genre's which part of it is rock, jazz, funk, highlife and many other..


In the ancient times, we all listen to music but it was produced in a more different form like then, it was recorded in a record player device and then it gradually moved to cassette tape and then to disc and to compact disc.. All this are ways whereby we can get music to our closest then and now it is more even easier we can just go online and get it into our phones directly and we can move around with it. That's is how far technology has made music improved to.. This aspect is now the fast and the best and reliable way to listen to a comfortable music.


This technology advancement has affected music also in the sense that the more Technology advances the more it affects the aspect of music also..This is what has helped music production which been a produced of songs you must be able to key into this realm of improvement if you truly want to be a song produced in this century advancement in music..


For this advancement, we now see that music studios are created all around the globe and for you to be a music producer there, you need to have understood and gone through all the necessary technological advancement so you will be able to offer the best according to the latest on town.. part of which is editing a music after it must have been done in the studio, padding the studio, mastering and cutting unnecessary sound in the voice when singing and lots more..


Music is advancing, technology is advancing also. All these are what will make things keep on going the way we want it because the world can't be advancing and music which it what holds the world should be depriciating. Music production has a bright future which I believe with the rate of technology advancement it will surely grow and get to a better phase...

Music is everything in the world and cannot be out aside...

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