Next to me


Lean on music, it can heal

Since my landing on earth, after 9 comfortable months on board mother ship, music took my hand to join me on my trip, with no visible luggage carried. Back then, an unexperienced passenger, dropped in the journey of life, like me, wouldn't find any sense made to that company. Years went by and love for my invisible trip partner grew up hugely, I started noticing that I needed her(and I say "her" because that's how I picture it in my mind when I try to give a human shape to music) in every moment, no matter the feeling I had. Her company was always welcome to make things easier or harder to deal with, according to the touch of the background playing soundtrack added to the moment I was living. The thing is, she was always there with me, at work, at home, when running, when studying...etc.


Through the years I found out she had some powers. She could make me remember specifics long past things or moments, important or not,with just a song, sometimes she could make me travel back in time and relive special moments even from childhood, it was and is simply amazing.
In the search of love, sometimes without realizing, we are. Some are lucky enough to have the privilege to find it, live it and enjoy it, some others not.
I like a lot of songs from different genres, many of them have deeply touched me..., lyrics, soundtracks, voices, messages, reflections. A few days ago I was telling you about one of them The Gambler and its message for me in life.

Today, speaking about love I bring you one of the songs that move me and deeply touch me, The kind of song I listen to and makes me feel goosebumps. It's a song in which I find so much pain, so much passion, so much thankfulness, so much dedication and so much love.
Imagine Dragons, that's the name of the band, "Next to me", the title of the song.

As I get it, this is a guy who's life apparently has been full of wrong decisions, bad moves, mistaken choices, but...he's been luck enough to find love in his path, someone who loves him back no matter what, someone who's always been there to support him.


This is a band I like a lot, the voice of the singer, the way they play and the passion I feel behind their work.
I have been luck enough too to find love in my path, maybe a bit late in the eyes of others, but just in time for me, I guess somehow I feel identified with this song lyrics and feelings, the truth is I found someone else to love and who love back as the one the song refers to, and I say someone else, because I already loved music when I met her. They both have got me out of some holes and healed me, so now, my both hands are taken and the trip continues. What about your trip my friends? I'll gladly be reading you if you want to share on comments.

In this post no translator was needed,english's not my home language but I handle it  to write by myself though.


Something about the way that you walked into my living room
Casually and confident lookin' at the mess I am
But still you, still you want me
Stress lines and cigarettes, politics, and deficits
Late bills and overages, screamin' and hollerin'
But still you, still you want me
Oh, I always let you down
You're shattered on the ground
Still, I find you there
Next to me
And oh, stupid things I do
I'm far from good, it's true
But still, I find you
Next to me
There's something about the way that you always see the pretty view
Overlook the blooded mess, always lookin' effortless
And still you, still you want me
I got no innocence, faith ain't no privilege
I am a deck of cards, vice or a game of hearts
And still you, still you want me
Oh, I always let you down
You're shattered on the ground
Still, I find you there
Next to me
And oh, stupid things I do
I'm far from good, it's true
Still, I find you
Next to me
So thank you for taking a chance on me
I know it isn't easy
But I hope to be worth it
So thank you for taking a chance on me
I know it isn't easy
But I hope to be worth it
Oh, I always let you down (I always let you down)
You're shattered on the ground (shattered on the ground)
But still, I find you there (yea-)
Next to me
And oh, stupid things I do (stupid things we do)
I'm far from good, it's true
Still, I find you
Next to me (next to me)

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