Flipping The Script

They say an average person complains between 15 to 30 times a day, and what we don't realize sometimes is that something that seems like we are simply venting out our emotions of displeasure can have a negative effect on our happiness and our productivity, as complaining too much can shrink the part of our brain responsible for thinking creatively.

A research at Stanford University has also found that complaining reduces the size of our hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and problem solving. The study found that engaging in complaining or simply hearing someone complain for more than 30 minutes could physically damage our brains.

Before I proceed with my Q-inspired article today, let me tell you this, I'm a very happy person, I look for opportunities to do things in a better way even when others might be complaining. I do not carry baggage; I deal with stuff and let things be where they are supposed to be, so that I can move forward as soon as possible, and this has been working perfectly for me.

But something is happening of late that I always find myself complaining about. This is bad for me, as it can affect my creative thinking as well as my attitude toward everyone around me.


Three days ago, I was at our local market to shop for my family's monthly provisions, and I was shocked to learn that a crate of eggs I bought for 2.2 dollars (3,300 Naira) four weeks ago has now jumped to 2.6 dollars (3,800 Naira), and almost all other household items I bought have increased significantly. Just when I thought that prices of food items were stabilizing, boom! Another significant increase will surface.

This got me upset, thinking about how long we are going to continue like this. I remember complaining to some of the sellers I was patronizing in the market, telling them how bad this whole inflation is making me feel. but at some point, I just stopped complaining to the sellers. I just got what I needed and left the market.

I stopped complaining to the sellers because they are also feeling the heat, and me complaining so much to them won't help anyone in any way but could make them feel worse than the market situation is already making them feel.

This is becoming a kind of habit for me every time I visit the market these days, but will complaining about this situation solve any problems? In fact, at the end of every visit to the market, I would feel tired, and lost motivation to do anything afterwards. To do things in a better way, I thought of flipping the script.

Why? Obviously, venting out my frustrations isn't helping anyone, so why should I continue to invest my energy in such things while I can use the said energy to think of something better to help better position myself financially?

That was how I spent part of my evening three days ago brainstorming and looking for a way to expand my family source of income—perhaps something we are supposed to be doing but are we are doing it yet—instead of using my time, venting out my frustrations to my husband or to anyone else who cares to listen.

At the end of the day, I was able to come up with some great ideas, which are now in motion, and I believe the results are going to be fruitful.

After that day, more than ever before, I'm making a cautious effort about how I let this economic situation affect me mentally. Obviously, lamentation will not solve anything; I must continue to channel my thoughts and energy into something productive.

While I was thinking about the best way to clear my thoughts after I returned from the said market three days ago, I opened my Spotify app. I did not go to my playlists; I needed something new, so I scrolled through the new list of songs that pumped me up, clicking on next until something that was perfect for my mood came up.

I needed a song I could shake my body to and dance to beautifully. I wanted something that resonated with my vibe perfectly, so I kept on clicking until I found the perfect song I needed.

A few of my friends have written about it here a few times. I enjoy listening to it, but the moment it started playing on my phone, it felt like, Yeah, this is just exactly what I need right now to get my mood on the right track.

If you are to guess, you are probably going to know this one; it is no other song than Happy by Pharrrell Williams. I have enjoyed this song so much in the past, but in that
moment three days ago, it came through for me in such a way I could never believe it could.

If you needed a Perfect song to lighten up your mood or a song to transport you into that moment of bliss, I highly recommend you listen to this one.

So, come along, if you feel like a room without a roof.❣️

The Image cover is mine, Thank you!❣️🙏

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