Price you pay for fame

Yesterday my roommate was playing a song and the song was Lonely by Justin Bieber.

I downloaded the song and after playing it a couple of times, it made lots of sense to me.

You see in life, at times the most important thing is not making all the wealth on earth. At times you could be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.

The question is. As you are building this all the money and fame are you building friends? Are you building a family? More important than building empire and fame you need people that you could boldly say that this person is around me. You need people that you could confidently say that these people have my back.

This is one secret that people fail to understand during the cause of pursuing fame. You stand a high chance of losing yourself to it. If you are not careful enough, you could gain fame in exchange for yourself. Not that you plan for it to work that way but due to many factors you see that it's that way and the funniest part is that you might not even see it coming. At times, before you realize you are already very far from who you were when you realize that all you have around is money and possessions. Even the people around are there because of your money and possessions. At that moment you find out that you have unintentionally lost yourself, your life, and your friends. In fact, all that is left is your name and wealth.

At this point, you might even fall into depression and the craziest part is that you might need to hide the fact that you are depressed because you are a public figure.

While gaining wealth I would also advise you to try to gain your life because Losing your life for fame is one thing that's too deep and painful because the wealth that was supposed to give you a comfortable life would end up making you sad for the rest of your life.

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