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A song a woman | The beginning

A few days ago our dear @manujune published a song accompanied by our national musical instrument: the cuatro. The song she interpreted, perhaps for many did not mean much, beyond a good voice and the encouragement shown by little Manuela despite her delicate health condition; but, for me it meant much more than that a beautiful melody, and so I said in a comment I made, which I want to share as part of my experiences that have always been accompanied by music.

Music has always accompanied me in each of the stages of my life, since before my birth, because my mother used to listen to classical music during pregnancy, and then she used to put us to sleep with pieces by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and even Paganini himself. Thus was born my love for music and the mania of establishing solid links between people, situations and memories with which I have been experiencing, growing and evolving over the years.

Women, oh God, women have been a fundamental part of my existence, and after my music lover mother, each one of those who have been part of my life, some closer than others, some fleeting, others more permanent and others indelible, those I call the immortals; all of them have left a mark on me, and each one has her song.

There are not so many women who have passed through my life, but the mark they left is still alive and latent in my skin, in my mind and in my soul.

Carmencita is the origin and this chapter is dedicated to her.

My mother, a woman of short stature, light wheat skin and curly hair, was born into a peasant family that made a living from the products of the land that my grandfather cultivated in his conuco, she knew neither education nor culture, beyond what she had learned in high school. However, in her maturity, thanks to the religion she harbored, in which she remains today, as well as the fact of having married a humble book seller -which were never lacking at home- she learned to appreciate reading and music both classical and religious, which she improved with time, becoming a great poetess, declaimer and singer of hymns with which she glorifies God.

That passion that inspired poetry and music was transmitted to us since we were children, as she used to put us to sleep telling us stories, letting classical music play until we were exhausted. Maybe that is where my love for literature and music was born.

From those years, I will never forget the piece of music with which I identify her, which I leave here for your delight. Beethoven's "Für Elise" is engraved in my mind and my memory.

--Text of my authorship E.Rivera--


All photos are by me.
This post was written in Spanish and translated into English with Deepl (version for free).