RE: It's time to speak up!

Am glad you transformed yourself, to speak up more than you did before.

I agree with you, it becomes hard to accept whatever after a while, something one must do when not speaking up and out. Sometimes we even have to do this with clearly articulated, short sentences with strong words (not saying 'swear'-words). Sometimes even with a louder voice. This will peeps listen to what you have to say. Although the general rule of society, in conversation one shall never scream, or speak with a loud voice since the theory is this will make the other people not listen anymore. I don't agree with that though. Well, sure, we have to doze all this, but sometimes we need to wake people up by increasing the amplitude of our voice. When we grab their attention, we can go back to normal voice strengths again.

Anyways, long story short. Very much agree that we need to speak out, whenever we feel the need to, to make sure our surrounding knows what we like (or dislike) how we feel and all that. For sure this will drive us to more happy places.

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