RE: Musical murals

I have such a weird relationship with graffiti. I can't decide if I like it or not.
I like the angel accompanied by the shadow of the devil, it's a very successful representation of humanity.
You're right that house wall drawings can be associated with music, I hadn't thought of that, and thanks for the idea. I will try to discover the music behind the drawings I see and maybe I will like them better that way.

Alzheimer's is one of my big fears, actually, my second... The song didn't convince me.

My, what a long clip! Eleven hours are useless if I fall asleep in the first eleven minutes... if this doesn't happen I'll probably die of boredom.

34.8°C, I didn't believe you could be such a cold woman! I joked I joked... please forgive me, I say now as my wife often tells me in similar cases, that she couldn't miss such an opportunity to joke.

I've also had such low temperatures, around 35°C, and I'm "famous" for my slow heart rate.

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