Nick Carter's Advanced Day: I Don't Care Cos I Gat You.

Greetings Q.inspired Music Lovers!!!


I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
~Mother Teresa~

Living life without pain is an incomplete life. No matter how we intend to view it, life is a full package of paradox on its own. Without pain, learning becomes unachievable, especially the ones that are meant to sink deep into our skull.

Yes, I do understand pain is no joke. Whoever has felt the deepness of it knows better that it isn't something you must wish against anyone. This is why I decided not to just understand why some people inflict pain on another. Be it physically or emotionally, pain is pain and can't be concealed.

Everyone has a reason. If you ask someone who causes pain why they do what they do, they'll give you lots of reasonable explanations if you listen closely to their words. Truly, there's a need for pain in our world. There is a need for those who inflict pain in our world, but there's no need for them in your life or mine.

However, we know deeply that we can't stop pain from coming in, especially when you go out daily to hustle. You'll be met with one crazy thing or the other that will cause you pain.

Also, we have death. It brings immense pain to our hearts, and we can't just stop it because it is meant to occur, and that's why we have music.

Yes, the presence of different sounds in one. With music, we can express our pains and let our hearts speak through our eyes. And with that, I have brought some tunes from Nick Carter. Don't worry. He is not just here to bless us with his songs but to also get us ready to celebrate him. Yes, like always, it is a birthday tune only that his birthday is in advance.

But before we move further, let's get to meet the Nickelodeon man. Haha, my keyboard keeps bringing out that.

Nick, do you mean like Nickelodeon?

Oh, no! Not like Nickelodeon but more like Nickolas. Alright, let's read on.

Nickolas Gene Carter is an American singer and a member of the vocal group Backstreet Boys. He is a singer, musician, actor, and dancer. And also super cute. Haha.

He was born in the year 1980, January 28, in Jamestown, New York, U.S.

Now that we've gotten a glimpse of who he is, let's move on to the main dish.

Do I Have To Cry For You; Nick Carter.

The beat... the flow and then the vocals. They all bring out the pain stuck in. This is the time to let it out. Don't suck it all in, and let it out.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Listen to your heartbeat and let the music sink in. And, do not stop the flow of both the liquid in your eyes and the movement of your body.

Never Break My Heart Again; Nick Carter.

Tap your feet and let your body move while at it. Let the presence of the song do the job with your body movements.

I Got You; Nick Carter.

With the pains and all. You should know there's someone who really got you and that special person is you. You are the only one who can truly choose you, so take care of you.

Move your neck and rock your body to music heard. Move your legs up and down and clasp your hands before turning around and dancing.


All videos used were gotten from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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