Llega la navidad y es epoca de regalos en WOO / Christmas is coming and it's time for gifts in WOO

La navidad esta cada vez mas cerca y muchos van a ser los juegos Hive que lanzen promociones en esta epoca del año.
Asi que voy hacer un articulo recopilatorio con los concursos o sorteos de navidad que me parezcan mas interesantes.

Christmas is getting closer and many will be the Hive games that launch promotions at this time of year.
So I'm going to do a compilation article with the Christmas contests or raffles that seem most interesting to me.

Aqui esta el primero WOO Secret Santa

Que necesitas para participar:

1,000 WOO tokens
Obsequios que quieras regalar

Que ganas:

Los obsequios se acumulan en un bote que luego se reparte entre los participantes y los tokens WOO se queman.

Enlace para participar: @wrestorgonline/woo-secret-santa

Here is the first WOO Secret Santa

What you need to participate:

1,000 WOO tokens
Gifts you want to give

What do you want:

The gifts are accumulated in a pot that is then shared among the participants and the WOO tokens are burned.

Link to participate: @wrestorgonline/woo-secret-santa

Todas las imagenes de este post son capturas de pantalla.
All images in this post are screenshots.

All votes on this post generate 100% HP rewards to support the development of the Hive blockchain.
All Tier 2 tokens earned will be used to purchase crates, items, and NFTs from Hive-hosted games.

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