Top Three publications that are worth reading of Project Hope community


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Multidisciplinary team

On this platform full of opportunities where all users have equal opportunities at the time of writing.
What you most want is to be seen and, if not, read and commented on. Nowadays, in the boom of communities, more and more people are working according to your interests, sharing quality content..
Our Community PROJECT.HOPE represents COMMUNITY of steem blockchain users, who share similar values, goals and mostly passion towards topics related to:

  • technology,
  • steem and steemit,
  • blockchain,
  • artificial intelligence,
  • machine learning,
  • cybersecurity,
  • gaming (on blockchain)

as well as:

  • economy,
  • business,
  • marketing,
  • Philosophy,
  • psychology, social media etc.

My contribution is that my followers can meet those writers who have excellent publications in our community, I have selected three publications that are worth reading.



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@carlos84 gives us a wonderful publication.

Generally we associate an entrepreneur as a person capable of doing business and being successful, but there are arguments that make us think that there must be things that go beyond these two qualities that identify entrepreneurship.


I share with all of you this great post from my friend hive-175254

A few months back COVID vaccination started in India and all the front line warriors who get exposed to COVID patients got their first round of vaccination. There were mixed feelings initially on that and fortunately everything went smooth. Some people who did not understand the technicalities started spreading rumors. Later government and people who already got their vaccine shots shared their experience and it was all good after that.



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@josevas217 gives us a wonderful publication.

Hello Hive community in general, in this opportunity I want to share a publication with which I intend to serve as a guide for all those who want to join a healing TRAIL, and do not know what this is, nor how to join or why to do it. Continue reading until the end and I will try to make everything quite clear and explained in a very simple way.

One of the things that motivates us the most as a team is supporting everyone we can within the community. I hope you visit the blog of these writers.


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