Terracore 25 SCRAP | Giveaway #210- Ends in 2 day


Welcome friends, to my giveaway!

After the long break, getting back to regular life feels really strange, you know? I'm planning a short trip with some friends to another city. Just posted the idea in our group chat and it sparked a lively discussion. Some want to go to Taichung, while others prefer Tainan. But the biggest challenge is coordinating everyone's schedules. Once we nail down the timing, everything else will fall into place.

While everyone was chatting in the group, I stepped out to grab a coffee. There was a buy-one-get-one deal, so I got one for a close colleague. When I got back, we still hadn't settled on a suitable time. Looks like we'll have to resort to voting to decide. Majority rules, right? If schedules just don't align, I'll have to sit this one out and join next time.


Lately, the hottest news is about Pixel announcing an airdrop for $RONIN holders. Pixel's game, launched in 2021, is this cool retro-style farming game with classic 16-bit pixel art. It's all about farming, interacting, and earning rewards in the pixel world. The in-game token, $PIXEL, can be used to buy stuff, upgrade looks, and unlock premium gameplay, making it super appealing. Just checked, $PIXEL is priced at $0.6 and it's listed on Binance. Man, I really wish our Hive Games could get the same recognition as Pixel's game from the outside world.

Giveaway Rules

If you wish to participate:

  • Please leave a comment with your Terracore username (include @), and only one comment per user.
  • Upvote, Re-blog and Tipping are not required, but I appreciated if you do.
  • I will be using the Random Picker to determine the eligible winner and the winner will be announced later.


Winner Announcement

Congratulations @rimurutempest
Link to the last giveaway: @circlebubble/terracore-25-scrap-or-giveaway-209-ends-in-2-day




If you want to stay updated on future giveaways, be sure to follow me. Also, please be cautious of clicking on any links in the comments as they may be phishing links.


Thanks for reading my murmur, If you want to start playing below Games, please use my referral link, it may give you a better start and please follow me if you want to get updates of future planned giveaways.

Rising Star
King Of Duels
Big Dog Bone
Stardom Play
Drug Wars


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